Gaia Commons Agency Structure (Roles & Holons)
The agency is a core organization of people working together in holons to coordinate the activities of Gaia Commons. People will have roles and be paid for their work in a mixture of fiat currency and alternative currencies that can be traded for valuable goods and services in the regenerative eco-system. The Agency is made up of 7 spheres and each sphere is made of several holons and sub-holons. Sub-holons are theoretical at the moment and will emerge as needed and be named by the originators of the sub-holon.
Our organigram shows the structure of the Agency as a rainbow flower shape.
Agency Spheres
Core Operations Sphere
This sphere is responsible for high level administrative functions, coordinating for best effectiveness of the organism as a whole.
Strategy & Alliances
This group’s main objective is to facilitate the process of coming to clarity on the strategic goals and vision for Gaia Commons as a whole. Its members work together to identify opportunities for collaboration, establish alliances with other organizations. They connect with strategic alliances and manage those relationships and agreements.
Internal Communications and Processes
This holon is tasked with coordinating the various holons of the agency. This group decides which coordination tools and protocols to use to support the whole to operate effectively. This includes conflict resolution processes. This holon is responsible for updating handbooks and user guides.
Legal and Admin
This group is responsible for ensuring proper administrative functioning. Its responsibilities include managing the legal entity requirements and regulatory risks if any, financial coordination among holons, treasury stewardship, auditing of internal processes and procedures for completeness and fairness.
Economy and Finances Sphere
This sphere is responsible for high level administrative functions, coordinating for best effectiveness of the organism as a whole.
Marketing & Public Relations Sphere
Responsible for Promoting Gaia Commons programs, projects and products through websites, social media, events, to attract new members, customers and funders. as well as managing external communication activities in general. Its tasks include the development of effective communication strategies, the creation of creative content and the promotion of the Gaia Commons image and values through various communication channels. Also to Identify and connect to new markets to sell goods and services of the commons
Self Realization Spiritual Affairs Sphere
Responsible for promoting holistic management in the association, integrating spiritual aspects and values in all activities and decisions. Their responsibilities include fostering a focus on integrity, ethics and the higher purpose of the organization. In addition, they are dedicated to promoting wellness, meditation and personal development practices among members.
Eco & Tech Design & Planning Sphere
Responsible for managing aspects related to ecology and technology in the association. Its functions range from the implementation of sustainable and eco-friendly practices to the incorporation of innovative technologies that contribute to the development and efficiency of the organization, including soft technologies necessary for the development of operational objectives.
Communication, Education & MultiMedia Content Sphere
Dedicated to promoting and managing activities related to learning, education, research, alternative pedagogies and access to relevant information. Its work includes the creation of educational programs, the organization of workshops and training events, as well as the administration of libraries and educational resources for the benefit of members and the community in general.
Production & Development Sphere
Its functions include the development and management of production done by the ecosystem. Its functions range from the implementation of sustainable and eco-friendly products to the incorporation of innovative services and technologies that contribute to the development and efficiency of the ecosystem, including soft technologies necessary for the development of operational objectives.
Gaia Commons Projects & Companies
A project or company becomes a Gaia Commons member when it officially signs a membership agreement with Gaia Commons. This means they are willing to share part of their profits and/or resources with Gaia Commons and are eligible to receive funding and investments from the Gaia Commons. They are agreeing to align with the Gaia Commons vision and values and work synergistically with the other Gaia Commons members.
There are three main structures that work together.
Operationally speaking the Gaia Commons Agency consists of stewardship councils who oversee important governance decisions and Agency Holons to do the work and make daily operational decisions.
Stewardship Councils
Stewardship Councils consist of trusted people with integrity who are aligned with the Vision and are verified experts in their realm of competency. During the Catalyst phase we will be recruiting and verifying the council members and activating Stewardship Councils as they are ready with minimum 3 people in each.
Stewardship Councils
The following list of possible Councils which will evolve during implementation.
Vision & Constitutional Stewards Council
These are charged with guarding the original purpose and essence of Gaia’s Vision from a Holistic and Integral perspective. Their function is to ensure that actions and decisions are aligned with the established vision and mission, protecting the Principles and Values, as well as to evaluate and guide the direction and harmony of the ecosystem in general.
Members approved by the Vision Stewards (Elders) who assume responsibility for co-govern, direct and manage the general resources, programs and projects of the global organization as an integral whole, towards the long-term objectives established at the glocal level. (Global Vision with Local Focus).
Treasure Stewards Legal gLocal Administrative Stewards (Trustees) Council
Those elected will assume responsibility for helping to arbitrate the processes and legally manage the resources of their Sphere or Fractal, approving, verifying and confirming that all decisions/proposals of the EcoSocial Economists (Economy and Finance Circle/Holon) are aligned with the principles towards the long-term goals established by the Steward Councils at their respective Continental, National, Regional and/or Local Communities (Gaia BioHabitats) level. Responsibilities include managing legal, contractual and regulatory risks if any, auditing internal processes and procedures, Refereeing and advising on programs and projects in accordance with the overall objectives of the Gaia Commons Management, Development and Funding Master Plan.
EcoSocial Economist Stewards (Treasury Multipliers) Council
Experts who can manage, advise and propose on specific financial budget allocation, Their responsibilities include accounting, financial management and coordination with all the different aspects and needs of the entire Ecosystem, or of its own sphere program or project, expenditure management, while working within constraints and helping them to organize, plan, assess risks, develop eco-social business strategies, strategically define and plan the scope of projects and communicate with donors, investors and stakeholders.
Energetic & Emotional & Spiritual Space/Field/Container Stewards/Guardians; DDHH Council
Harmony Holders & Disharmony Detectors: Members holding this badge focus on assessing the holistic health (Energetic, Spiritual & Emotional) of the Gaia ecosystem, here we also find Holistic Healers & Conflict Mediators.
Stewards of Inclusion, Safeness, Individual & Social Integrity (SISISI) Council
Members holding this badge focus on the evaluation of Inclusivity and Safeness Policies, including economic and social equity and members’ easy access to all type of resources including the Gaia Ecosystem “internal” Information.
Communications & Tech Stewards Council
Liaison capability with blockchain software vendors to audit and review Gaia actions and source code to assess alignment with Gaia Community vision, mission and policies. Research and Innovation to maintain awareness of the broader global ecosystem in relation to the Gaia ecosystem.
Focalizers of Spheres, Holons (or Funds) Council(s)
Guides and integral facilitators that provide an integration of knowledge from different scientific and human potential talent and self realization disciplines alongside any other need to support the participatory design of the Spheres master plan. They are able to synthesize creative ideas with innovative practices to create new evolutionary approaches for creating opportunities and solving challenges that support the strategic development goals of the Sphere or Holon. and ensure delivery against the roadmap.
They are responsible for keeping updated all the relevant information of their Sphere or Holon, as well as the necessary information of the related Holons and Sub Holons. Their function is to guide and coordinate the activities within their area of responsibility, ensuring a fluid and efficient communication between the different organizational levels.
gLocal Strategy Stewards
Will assume responsibility for managing and directing projects, programs and Strategic Alliances, towards the long-term objectives established to the corresponding Fractal, at the Continental, National, Regional or Local level, considering the principles, vision and mission of Gaia as reflected in the Constitution. providing feedback to the gLocal Circles or Councils on the status and progress of their geographical Hub, Sphere or Fractal.
Local Stewards of the Territories Council(s)
They work with the geomancy of the land as well as the energies and Spirits of the territory, attend to gardening, prepare the land to receive the community of beings, manage the restoration of the ecosystem, help maintain the facilities and attend to seasonal cleaning. They are committed to the ecological integrity of the land by adhering to holistic land management practices designed to support the conservation and regeneration of natural living systems.
Selection of Stewardship Council Members
It is important that the selection process for each council is rigorous, diverse and based on merit.
We require that the selection process includes an honest attempt (researching networks and reaching out) to recruit for the following diversity criteria. However, it is important that the right skills and vision alignment are the most important factor in choosing stewards and not diversity criteria alone. If the diversity ideal ratios are not met, it is important to set up another process for listening and getting feedback from the missing genders,races, and minority groups who may be concerned.
- 3 to 9 relevant networks will be invited to suggest nominations of a trusted and available person.
- a gender balance; where no more than ⅔ of the members are from the same gender.
- a mixture of races. (at least two different races and two continents represented)
“Certifications of Trust” for Gaia Commons Stewards
To be recognized as a Steward for Gaia Commons, a person must earn a ‘Stewardship Badge’ through a process of collecting “Certificates of Trust” (CC) and they must have at least one Formal Recommendation from a Gaia Steward or any Elder or Spiritual Authority trusted by Gaia Commons existing Stewards.
A certificate of trust is an online form that is filled in by people who have significant experience working/living with the candidate for a stewardship role in Gaia Commons. It rates their capacity in emotional,intellectual,spiritual and social maturity in several questions with ratings out of 10. To be eligible for a stewardship role, candidates must have a minimum score average and at least a certain number of responses to the questionnaire.
Steward Selection Process
1. Gaia Commons core team invites key people to suggest networks or leading groups or organizations in their field/sector.
2, The Onboarding team selects and invites a maximum of 9 networks and a minimum of 3 to recommend a steward for each council.
3. Those potential stewards are introduced to the role in more detail and confirm their interest in being a council member.
4. The interested Stewards collect 5 certificates of trust for review by the Steward recruitment team.
5. The proposed list of the interested Stewards is shared with all the Gaia Commons members for consent. Anyone can fill in additional certification of trust form to express their opinion and experience of the candidates.
6. The recruitment team reviews results and consults the Energetic Field Stewards (or Advisors) to sense into any issues or potential threats for keeping a positive balance.
7. A ceremony confirms the Stewards and activates each Council.
The agency is a core organization of people working together in holons to coordinate the activities of Gaian Commons. People will have roles and be paid for their work in a mixture of fiat currency and alternative currencies that can be traded for valuable goods and services in the regenerative eco-system. The Agency is made up of 7 spheres and each sphere is made of several holons and sub-holons. Sub-holons are theoretical at the moment and will emerge as needed and be named by the originators of the sub-holon.
º Core Operations
º Strategy & Alliances
º Internet Coms & Processes
º Legal & Admin
º Economy & Finances
º Accounting & Resource Management
(Fiat & Tokens)
º Gaia Impact Fund
º GLocal Initiatives Fund
º Gaia Investments Fund
º Commerce
º Production & Development
º Goods
º Services
º Marketing & Public Relations
º Design and Content creation
º Marketing Campaigns & Platforms
º Learning & Communication
º Education & Formation
º InFormation (Research & Outreach)
º Spiritual Affaires & Self Realization
º Rituals & Ceremonies
º Holistic Self Development
º Design & Planning (Enviroment & Infrastructure)
º Habitats Planning
º Technologies
Several holons whose decisions may affect each other closely, are organized in Spheres. They share the same color in the organizational illustrations. In the Sphere, the group of holons meet a few times a year, to propose how to distribute the budget approved by the General Sphere and coordinate their strategies. Each sphere has a steward and a lead who are responsible to keep the sphere moving forward, while aligned with the rest of the organism and manage tensions within the sphere.
The concept of a holon, sometimes called circles, refers to an entity or group of people engaged in collaborative activity within a larger community. The holon is a decision making circle, has the capacity to carry out Actions in its domain of expertise. It is an entity with autonomy but interdependent with other holons that together serve the realization of GAIA’s purpose.
In the Holons, the people share a common objective and commit themselves to work together towards its achievement through the organization by Roles (functions) and Activities (tasks).
Elements of a Holons
Each holon has the following elements:
Refers to the essential reason that gives direction and meaning to working together. In this way, the common vision and sense of unity is present in the ideas, actions and achievements.
The specific functions performed by each person within the holon, such that each member has an assigned role that defines his or her particular responsibilities and contributions.
Function or Responsibility
Each team member has specific functions or responsibilities that must be fulfilled in order to contribute to the achievement of the common objectives. For this reason, it includes what is expected of each member during the execution of the activity in charge, including not only the fulfillment of activities, but also informed decision making and accountability derived from their results.
The scope of competence and authority in which decisions can be made and actions carried out without the need to consult with other parties or teams.
Holon Roles
Roles are decided by consent by the people in that holon. Roles shall be defined in writing to clearly define responsibilities for a defined period of time. A nomination round process is the preferred method of forming the proposal of who fills which role.
People who play a short-term role to activate a holon and stablish the first co- leaders. Until they have established these roles they are the decision takers.
Gaia Focalizers
Awareness of Programs, Projectos, Processes core sphere and the agency in general, Holders of deep context of Mission and Vision of the Commons.
Sphere or Holon Focalizers
Focalizers per Sphere or Holon – Deep context and clarity of general and specific objectives.
Contains all the updates informtion of your Circle or Holding responsability to make sure the processes move forward. Three co-leads are responsible to “decide who decides” for the holon.
Person responsible to ensure the meeting notes, project plans, proposals, and other internal communications are being recorded and organized as agreed for the best functioning of the Agency.
Plans and guides meetings and processes with methodologies for achieving the goals. Managing time and harmony of the group.
Person who has enough expertise and can advise or guide.
Conects & Coordinates between 2 or more Spheres or Holons (BioRegional Links, etc). Several link roles could be established for relevant other holons.
Internal Comms Link
Ensuring the proper admin and functioning of all the resources in the general on each Holon or Sphere and between them. (except money)
Ext Communicator
Person who tells the story of the Sphere, Fractal or Holon and its actions, ensuring the other holons know what is happening and sharing good stories to the other holons what is happening and sharing good stories to the outside world on the website and social media, following the processes set up by Marketing and Public Relations Sphere. InFluenSers, Chakiss, Teachers, Formadores “Community Managers”.
Trusted and Validated person who holds the responsability of managing the finances in each holon.
General member helping get specific work of the Holon done.
Roles Selection Process – Catalyst Phase
Core team members in Catalyst Phase are chosen organically by their commitment and alignment to the mission in conversation with the Agency Focalizers.
Holon roles in the Agency will be chosen by proposal and consent based on the skills we each have in our domains. Whole agency weekly meetings are the place to discuss and consent to these proposals. A formal nomination process is suggested where we each propose who should fill each role and why and then form a proposal from that and do a consent round. If members are not present for the consent rounds, the proposal shall be posted in the group chat thread of the relevant Sphere for 2 weeks and if no concerns or objections arise the proposal can be deemed consented to.
Decisions can always be revisited if new information comes to light.
Holon roles are chosen by proposal and consent in each Holon and Action team. These roles shall be written down in a shared digital space as coordinated by the Internal Communications and Processes holon.
Roles Selection Process – Catalyst Phase
1- Describe Role
First, identify the target Role and term for the election.
2- Fill Out Ballots
Each participant must then fill out a ballot to nominate whomever the participant believes is the best fit for the Role among all eligible candidates.
3- Nomination Round
Once all ballots are submitted, share the contents of each ballot, one at a time, with all participants. The nominator must state why he or she believes that candidate would be a good fit for the Role.
4- Nomination Change Round
Once all nominations are shared, each participant has the opportunity to change his or her nomination.
5- Make a Proposal
Next, count the nominations and make a Proposal to elect the candidate with the most nominations for the specified term.
6- Process Proposal
Once a Proposal is made to elect a candidate, the Team (Sphere or Holon) must move to the Integrative Decision-Making Process to resolve that Proposal.
2024 – Roles will be written in tables in our CODA software on the Holon page and Action sub-pages.
Steward Roles require a Trust verification process.
Certifications of Trust for Agency Roles
To be eligible for election as a Gaia Commons Focalizer in the Gaia Core Ops Sphere, candidates must have at least 5 “certifications of trust” where they are nominated as Stewards or Focalizers, and an overall score above 7.77. Focalizers must obtain at least 3 approval letters coming from Stewardship Council Members.
Core Operations Sphere Members
All members in the Core Operation Sphere must obtain 3 Certifications of Trust. Additionally, they must obtain at least 3 approval letters coming from Stewardship Council Members.
All Sphere Members
For the rest of the Spheres, All members of the Agency must obtain 1 Certification of Trust. Additionally, they must obtain at least 3 approval letters coming from Stewardship Council Members.
Aspirations to create fair and sustainable conditions are segregated and disperse often leading to redundancies and competing for same resources ultimately leading to continuation of the status quo.
People are physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually malnourished. (Addiction, creative suppression, homelessness, malnutrition & Diseases Environmental destruction etc.)
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