Governance General Framework
Governance General Framework
This proposal enhances the Governance of the Commons and their Participation through “Voting Power,”
Guiding Principles:
2. Recognition of Contribution: Active contributors are granted the right to voice their opinions and propose ideas within the community.
Certifications of Confidence (CoC):
- Gestating Members: The first three individuals or representatives of organizations forming the three Main Holons. They require at least 9 “certifications of trust” and an overall score above 7.77 for election as General Managers or Vision Guardians.
- Co-Managing Members: The next nine individuals or representatives from the Main Holons. They must present at least 3 external “Certifications of Trust” and 2 certifications from Managing Members, with an overall score above 7.77 for election as General Managers or General Focusers.
- Other Co-Managing Members: All other individuals or organizations involved in managing or co-creating within the Principal Holons. Their election criteria vary based on the certifications they hold.
Their election requires a minimum of 9 “certifications of trust” and an overall score exceeding 7.7. Co-Managing Members, consisting of the subsequent nine individuals or representatives, serve as General Stewards of the Core Council, needing at least 3 external “Certifications of Trust” and 2 certifications from Managing Members, with an overall score above 7.77. Other Co-Managing Members encompass all other contributors within the Principal Holons, eligible based on varying certification criteria.
The assignment of spheres, holons and roles corresponds and belongs to organizing ecosystem.
Therefore, no person, group of persons or team can be separated from this condition.
Thematic Matrix
Thematic Matrix
Organizational Structure:
- Thematic Matrix: Facilitates research, knowledge exchange, and strategy development within specific topics of interest.
- Operational Matrix: Manages and executes operational activities necessary for organizational functioning.
2. Spheres and Holons
Community Governance Principles
Holonic Governances Guide Menu
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