A vision of how to get from meta crisis to metamorphosis into a healthy, peaceful world.
A 3 to 33 year business and governance model for massive transformation to a thriving civilization
Gaian System
The purpose of this writing is to help our community of conscious evolutionary leaders to uplevel our boldness and groundedness of planning and aligned action to move towards our goals of a thriving world in peace.
The vision is clear among us. We see a peaceful, ethical world where people are treated with dignity and compassion as we thrive with appropriate regenerative technology. Governments are lead by compassionate and creative leaders who know how to heal nations and drive positive change. Food is healthy and vitalizing, water is pure, ecosystems are sacred, wisdom is valued, children are raised to their potential, no one is left behind.
The barriers are also clear. The current beliefs and rules of ‘capital is king’ demand profit for a few at the expense of the ecosystems that support life. Local community wealth is destroyed and the suffering of billions of people ignored. The economic growth model of most nation state governments tie them to extractive industries. The fossil fuel and financial industries are highly coordinated and powerful and embedded in governments, to strongly resist any changes in the status quo.
So how might we, a small group of committed people, make a significant impact? Our belief is that there is nothing more powerful than LOVE ORGANIZED.
We are setting out to articulate in practical detail a potential path to massive transformation that is intelligent, peaceful and sustainable. While we may not choose this path exactly, because God laughs at our plans, Our hope is that by thinking it through, we can see the kind of boldness of structures we need to create and prioritize this level of work in our change efforts. We all have an important piece to contribute to the whole.
The Gaian system is a complete alternative life choice from the current political/social/economic system. It knits together all the efforts of pioneers in regenerative living – alternative economies, holistic schools, organic agriculture and integral health. The idea is that we are building the seed of what will become the normal governance and finance system between 2026 and 2056. We build it with the system goal of eco-social integral and holistic health at the center and thriving. We create our systems to motivate individual behavior that tends to create those outcomes. We practice conscious governance and economies, contributing, compensating and rewarding people for fulfilling the different roles, tasks and missions in FIAT & alterNative currencies/seeds.
Participate & Engage
Economics & Finances
Conservate & Produce
Glocal Passport
CoRe Program – COntribution / REtribution, invest your time and energy in our InterActive Roles, and get compensated
Collective Governance
As Individuals and/or Groups and Networks with Memberships in various levels of Responsabilities and Benefits
Collaborative Economics
AlterNative Markets & Currencies
Gaia Funds (Philanthropic & Investment)
proyectos sostenibles y sustentables con generación de trabajo, energía, comunidad, educación y alimentos.
Conservation of BioDiversity
losProtección, Conservación y ReGeneración
de EcoSistemas & su BioDiversidad.
Agriculture & Permaculture
Sistemas PermaCulturales que permitan recordar, preservar, compartir y poner en práctica la Infinita & Eterna Sabiduría y Abundancia
Gatherings & Experiences
Gaia Centers / BioHubs
Plataformas Fisicas & Digitales para el InterCambio, la InterAcción y la InterConexión, Entre Personas y con los Proyectos
Experiencias & EcoTurismo
Espacios en la naturaleza para Retiros, BioTurismo Mingas & Talleres permanentemente con para estadías de corto y largo plazo.
Hospitality & Community
Gaia BioHabitats / Living Lands
Fractional Ownership & Timeshare
SelfRealization & Education
School of Life
“Emprendizaje”: Emprendimiento ReGenerativo & Aprendizaje Acompañado AutoDirigido.
OnLine & OnLand Education / Content
Mohamed is 26 years old and lives in California with his wife Mandi.
He commits to 3 years of part time coding and receives 33,000 SeedS (Ss) in his GAIA Seeds account and 33,000 USD. The SeedS are issued by the governing economic circle/holon, to do the work of governing the system and creating core infrastructure. Mohamed coded part of the learning and earning platform called HoloGaia.
This platform has a job board where you can apply for tasks and roles that the system needs and you can sign up to learn the skills needed to perform those jobs. When you demonstrate you possess a certain skill it is added to your skills profile which makes you eligible for more jobs and you can even get Certification Badges by different formal (AlterNative) Institutions that are fully trusted and respected by the Glocal Community. People can also trade the skills and resources they have in the LocalScale Marketplace.
Annie offers to teach Reiki to Mohamed and he pays her 333 SeedS and 333 dollars. A portion of each financial exchange could go to the core Gaian System to fund salaries and infrastructure if members agree. But mainly we will propose a membership fee.
Mohamed wants to buy a house so he chooses the Gaian (Mortgage) Mutual Social Aid Coop and gets an apartment in the Gaian Condo in his city of choice. He can pay a % of his mortgage payments in SeedS. He has a low downpayment and an affordable monthly mortgage rate. His wife Mandi works as a teacher in the public school system and her salary can cover the money part of the mortgage and car loan and telecommunications. His SeedS buy them holistic education for their kids, an organic food box from the Ecovillage just outside of the city, and interesting community activities and upcycled clothes available in his neighborhood.
They feel good that their monthly mortgage payments earn their home ownership and the profits go to making more sustainable housing around the world. Over his life, Mohamed saves up 300,000 SeedS which is enough to pay for his spot in the Gaian Retirement Care program. So he has spent his life contributing to a brighter future and earned a good living and retirement in the process. His wife’s teachers’ pension pays for her spot in regular money.
What needs to change?
The governance, finance, education and justice systems we use today were created with the intention of economic growth benefiting the colonizing class and race, at the expense of all else. We are now bumping up against the many systems boundaries that we were blind to when we created our institutions. These institutions cannot cope in their current forms.
Today if we map the flow of value in the modern economies, we see people spend most of their energy creating a career so they can afford a house and an enjoyable life with high levels of consumption. Tax money goes to governments who use it to maintain the existing infrastructure, much is wasted on inefficiency and trillions are spent on the military.
Mortgage payments become bank profits where much is blown on very high salaries and billions in profits are paid out to retirement pensions and in the stock market to wealthy people. Fossil fuel profits flow to billionaire families who spend 100’s of millions on slowing down climate change mitigation efforts. Big agriculture is locked in with debt for heavy machinery, one time use seeds, and fertilizers. Every step of the way, the way in which we create wealth degrades ecosystems and community health, which are the foundations of life.
We need to transfer these value flows of billions, into the coffers of new companies and institutions whose purpose is to build sustainable habitats, provide holistic health and education to the masses, offer comfortable and beautiful retirement accommodations and feed us healthy food using regenerative agriculture. The purpose is also to provide transparent and accountable governance and true justice and healing for all people.
The Gaian system is a complete alternative life choice from the current political/social/economic system. It knits together all the efforts of pioneers in regenerative living – alternative economies, holistic schools, organic agriculture and integral health. The idea is that we are building the seed of what will become the normal governance and finance system between 2026 and 2056. We build it with the system goal of eco-social integral and holistic health at the center and thriving. We create our systems to motivate individual behavior that tends to create those outcomes. We practice conscious governance and economies, contributing, compensating and rewarding people for fulfilling the different roles, tasks and missions in FIAT & alterNative currencies/seeds.
Step 1 (Q1 & Q2 2024):
Using grants and donations, which are currently secured, implement a microcosm prototype of a fully functioning Gaian system. This will be called Gaia Commons.
Practice our best theories of Governance.
We have the Earth Charter, the EcoGovernance principles, The Gaia Governance Framework, The Gaia SeedS Constitution, The Gaia Tokenomics, & the Memberships Agreements that we can start to practice and implement as a global collective. We will pay people to take on these roles and ensure highly mature systems thinkers and feelers are in leadership and decision making roles. We will model leadership selection with a high entry bar, beyond popular vote, and highly accountable for ethical standards and generative outcomes.
We will model distributed decision making practices where decisions are made at the most local level possible and issues are addressed with all the relevant stakeholders around the table rather than siloed sector leaders. Citizens are empowered to enact solutions in their place and all voices are respected and space is made to process tensions with deep healing, finding each person’s place for a generative contribution.
We will create an economic model using a mixture of alternative currencies and fiat currency to recognize the value of our conscious networks and motivate more and more people to work on co-creating the Gaian Life system. The value of the currencies will be to exchange goods and services among conscious co-creators who can save up for end of life care.
In parallel to step one, we will continue to develop and nurture a network of bonded small groups of conscious co-creators, called holons, to learn and practice the inner and outer skills and capacities of personal development, community collaboration and holonic, heart centered governance. Global Ecovillage Network / Gaia BioHabitats (Living Lands), The Peace On Earth Game,
URI community circles, the Holomovement and many others, in their own ways, foster small groups of people to join into bonded circles to practice and support each other living into their purpose and contributing their gifts to their community. We will add to their work by connecting the various network leaders together so we can easily share learning, concepts and invite people to become members of the larger movement and governance network.
When we have a viable working system, we will reach the conscious co-creators of our world with this coordinated, bold vision. Using highly influential and popular evolutionary leaders as the messengers, share the potential of this CoOrdinated Gaian Life System. Get people to sign up to help make it a reality. We ask for an annual membership fee that can be from 1% of your normal net income, up to 100% of your profits, as your investment in the future of humanity and Earth.
You can contribute a mix of capital as goods, money funds and /or time depending on what you have to give. In return you get the equivalent in Gaia Currencies / tokens, a community, a possible paid job, a pension scheme and you will be contributing meaningfully to a positive transformation of the world.
As the prototypes grow and learn, we will define a vivid picture of the Gaian Vision, grounded in real projects and platforms, of how someone’s life would be in this conscious system. From birth to death, what is the path, the holistic School of Life, from gestation and giving birth. To study and fulfill different jobs and entrepreneurships, the pure joy in life, the beautiful compassionate retirement program, the sacred death ceremony. So people can see there is a choice of a complete lifestyle that is financially viable and not geographically constrained.
Perhaps we choose one to three cities and key rural areas on each continent to start. We reach out to the sustainable service providers in that area including restaurants and conscious entertainment offers to join the movement and accept payment in Gaian currencies (Seeds).
Step 3: FUND AND BUILD a robust version of the system
Pool our capital using membership fees and community bonds and conscious impact investing, to invest in projects or companies that support the regeneration and thriving of all beings.
We start to link, buy and create businesses that create a sustainable world. If there are 144 thousand conscious people aligned with this vision of working together for transformation, and 1% of us invest 10k per year we would have 14.4 million dollars to work with to do the following. These SEED investors (members) could receive the greatest rewards, benefits and priorities.
3.1 Finish building the Gaian Platform EcoSystem.
The first step is to use grants, membership fees and a community bond with a long payback period to professionalize the development of the Gaian physical and digital platforms EcoSystem.
These platforms are how you learn and earn on the Gaian Life System. The task priorities, jobs in programs and projects of the network are listed and posted for potential mutual matchings with the Gaian Members.
You take on a job that you have the skills for and ask for training in the skills you need next. If you can also train someone in the skills they need. Gaia Unión Network, the Global EcoVillage Network, Core Nexus and others may have large parts of this architecture built out.
Holochain developers have been working on the digital side of this for some time. We would fund and support these innovators to collaborate and prototype and get these systems up and running.
The purpose of these platforms is the future of the collective thriving.
We will also have a bank to potentialize our own digital currencies, for distributing funds or assigning credits in fiat, for general savings and retirement funds, payment appi like paypal that allows to easily send and request payments on websites and in person.
And we already have very advanced Marketplace for listing Goods & Services, and also boards for listing skills, jobs, seeds, events and available opportunities and resources in general for exchanging among members (evolutionaries and cocreators) and the public in general.
Anyone who wants to ‘walk out and walk on’ from their current job and lifestyle can find a whole other economy to live into. It gives us a viable choice and easy bridge to the new economy which, in time, may evolve into a pure gift economy many of us sense is possible.
This bridge allows millions of people a way to trust enough to let go of, « well I’d really love to serve community with my heart and soul, but I have to make a living, so I sell insurance. ». To « Wow, I am encouraged to live my purpose and grow in my passions and that earns me my simple, totally healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. »
This exponentially growing shift around the world will release the blocks to our natural evolution and create the conditions where a human world in harmony with nature is plausible.
It will start with only the committed evolutionaries to get pockets up and running in several countries and life conditions. Once it is functioning with a critical mass, then mainstream western civilization will be able to live into it too.
Rural and war torn and oppressive places may be able to use it to subvert an oppressive government or chaotic social system. It may need different forms for different levels of the spiral dynamics world views. and global life conditions. This will be explored and prototyped. Ideally the background data is all the same and interoperable but the interface with users works differently in different contexts. The local people would be paid to learn and teach the technology and processes. Maybe like the telephone lady microenterprise example in Bangladesh, a few people can learn and handle the data side of the system while community members use shells or paper to easily see and trade.
We have legal and financial support, technical programmers and designers that are building a robust, secure system that obeys complex international tax laws. People who decide to join the system get a similar level of care as a citizen of a nation, including human rights and basic services like education, healthcare and old age pension.
This is currently a gap, how can we motivate these professionals to get involved? Will SeedS be enough of a payment for them?
We will need legal and financial support, technical programmers and designers to build a robust, secure system that obeys complex international tax laws. People who decide to join the system get a similar level of care as a citizen of a nation, including education, healthcare and old age pension.
This is currently a gap, how can we motivate these professionals to get involved? Will SEEDS be enough of a payment for them?
3.2 Create Highly profitable endeavors.
We will also need a few traditional, highly profitable endeavors so we can pay for the development and maintenance of the Gaian System.
Housing Solutions (and Community/Commercial Spaces).
Sustainable living habitats in every major city and in key rural areas, so no matter where you move, there is a conscious community available to you there. There are levels, so luxury private houses or suites are available as well as affordable dorms. If you have no money you can work for the Commons or other community services in general. We could partner with existing green condo companies such as Windmill Development or Community Housing Coops to make this a reality.
Retirement care
Golden innovations.
Some funds will also support the research and development of life changing innovations. These will not likely be profitable for some time, but could make a big difference if they work. The narrative is that these innovators are often attacked, destroying their progress. So we want their progress to be uploaded to a secure and distributed data network. If the innovators report their progress, they earn currency. It also keeps a trail to their contribution so they can be rewarded if their contribution or invention is profitable. If you work enough in the Gaian System, you earn your high quality retirement care, near your family and our community.
Conscious media platform.
Telling our stories will be important. We will want to fund and raise up conscious media creators and providers and bring them to the mainstream audiences. If needed, this could be a profit making business with advertisements from ethical businesses.
Financing and mortgaging
Create our own lending corporations so when you pay your mortgage, the profit is funneled to building up more sustainable housing around the world. We would need to create a standard, modern financial institution with a very boring name and mission, with a board of directors bankers trust, so it will be approved. We will need recovering bankers and lawyers to help build this legally in many countries.
Ecological Toilets
Our “Living Toilets” efficiently address the sustainable management of human waste by transforming toilet waste into organic fertilizer, avoiding the use of potable water for flushing cisterns, reducing water consumption and avoiding the emission of waste into water sources. organic fertilizer, avoiding the use of potable water for flushing cisterns, reducing water consumption and avoiding the emission of waste into water sources.
Our line of ecological restrooms offers fixed and portable restrooms. And they can be installed in houses, apartments, farms, civil works, transportation fleets, concerts, festivals, among others. A family of 5 people using a water toilet spends more than 150,000 liters of water per year to transport 250 kilos of solid waste and 2,500 liters of liquids.
Step 4: Bridge people over.
Up to this point this work has been a bubble of conscious co-creators, not interfacing much with the dominant system or promoting the work to the outside world.
Currently in eco-villages, the promise is large and the reality is a pretty challenging life having to negotiate personalities, lack of funds, lots of hard work, geographic ties, and competing ideals.
“And if I give my life to this, how do I retire?” I found it to be the stumbling block for me and my family wanting to choose a conscious, eco-friendly life, but not ready to sacrifice modern luxuries, “freedoms” and privacy. This will be similar for many people.
When we have a functioning stable system, we will start to invite more people to bridge from the already obsolete system to the new emergent and required system. We will develop programs to heal. land and navigate in this new (ancestral) culture and system and tell the story to the world in many languages.
The aspiration is that life will be so much more fulfilling in the Gaian System that
people outside will say “I want to live what they are living!”
The challenge will be trust. If I leap into this new system, can I trust it will be there in 10 years time or 50 years time when it is time to retire? This will not be 100% certain, but the more of us who choose to make it so, will make it so.
What if I want to go back to the dominant system later, what have I lost? One of the Gaian currencies will be exchangeable with national currencies, or someone might buy into what you collected. This is not something we can guarantee100% ourselves, but we can develop some exit strategies, so people will feel safe enough to join as early as now. We are also protecting our currencies from speculation, devaluation or anything that can destabilize our digital currencies.
Because the Gaian currency is created not through debt or by mining gold or minerals or some random numbers in machines, but rather through producing real wealth, real assets and contributing meaningful human time, effort, sweat, development and performing high quality work towards a regenerative system, it is more precious and shining with golden light.
Perhaps we have finally figured out alchemy.
Step 5: Become the Mainstream System in some countries
As more and more people start to live in the Gaian System, this may threaten or destabilize the dominant system as they lose children from the schools, low pay workers and some of the best and brightest minds. They will likely try to shut it down by discrediting and sabotaging it.
It will be important that it is a securely authenticated system that exists in the collective and does not live on one server or computer. And the power of it can be achieved in a plethora of aps that can replicate and change hands easily so it is very hard to shut it down. If you ban Gaia Life System ap then the G2 ap is quickly put up by another company owned by different people but your account info is stable. We will have to innovate with the technological innovations of the time and accept that not all countries will be ready for it to co-exist with their dominant system.
It may also be that enough people are living the Gaian System part time or full time now have an embodied understanding of a system that supports each person to thrive. This will be the new standard for governance.
Perhaps a leader emerges to get voted into the dominant system of political governance on a platform of shifting it to Gaian processes. Maybe the provincial leaders feel the demand from parents and see the results from Gaian schools, and decide to rewrite the public school system to be child centered with a focus on emotional intelligence and thriving for life. Laws start to change to be more like the Gaian System. A new standard and minimum bar for political leadership is passing a systems thinking and moral maturity test.
We see some risks and suffering that could be created by this approach. We are splitting society into bubbles, we are removing the conscious, visionary people from the dominant system, preventing it from being able to heal or improve.
The point is that as the old system collapses, which is assumed to be inevitable without massive intervention, the new system is prepared to catch us and it is not a revolution of the same old consciousness, it is the very best the conscious evolutionaries could come up with to serve all of life.
Over 100 years, the Gaian System would spread to more and more of the world and continue to evolve to serve the life conditions of the future.
- Are you up for this?
- What part could you contribute?
- Does it seem possible?
- Is there a better way you can see?
- Is there something missing?
- What do you have to add to or change this strategy?
- How can we start to implement it together?
- Thank you for your attention and care. BIG LOVE
Elevator pitch brainstorming
What if we could free millions of evolutionaries to build the world we all know is possible? What are the foundational supports they need? A basic income, a simple beautiful eco-home and a pension and retirement plan so they can concentrate on building and experiencing the new governance and economic models for the 21st and 22nd century.
The Gaian network aims to shift the power and resource dynamics away from conventional hands into the hands of conscious evolutionaries playing a new game where the health of the whole is in the center, everybody wins and no one is left behind.
We will build a complete life system as a prototype of how we envision a modern technologically advanced society working in the future, and attempt to demonstrate how it works to nurture happy, fulfilled people with no need for hate or war nor greed to proliferate.
It starts with a birth with a sacred ceremony for coming into the world with your song.
It continues to an education where you are outside playing most of the time as you learn how to be fully yourself in connection with nature and the divine, and contribute your gifts to society. When you become an adult there is a vision quest process you go on, to better know who you are and your purpose. You follow your bliss to find a role and mentor to create your career where you earn your wealth only by adding to the health of the whole system.
You feel fulfilled everyday. There are hardships, yes, but you have learned to trust life and find creative solutions with others. You have learned how to have an open heart with no shame in sexuality and there is no war between the sexes so falling in love is easy and joyful and there are many supports to work out emotional tensions and give couples space to connect without the children.
Competition is seen as a healthy part of being human and spaces are facilitated for healthy expressions of martial arts, sport, self defense and hunting skills. Your health is cared for holistically with meditation, energy work and modern medicine working in harmony.
Gaia Network: The network of all Living Beings on Earth, that are aligned in their pursuit of healthy lifestyles in harmony with the natural living ecosystem. They are gathered freely in the physical spaces but mainly and ideally in a digital directory.
Gaia Union Hub (Alliance / Confederation): The network of actors that STATE that they are, and actually are aligned in their pursuit of a well nourished planet earth, AND commit to coordinate as much as possible to avoid redundancies and the wasteful treatment of earth resources that comes with it. This Includes General Alliances with internal or external Actors, like external institutions, companies or governments.
Gaia (Syntropy) Web: The network of actors that state that they are and actually are aligned in their pursuit of well nourished planet earth AND agree to avoid redundancies by radically collaborating (Ally, buy, make). AND to Contribute Freely any quantity of Resources through the Gaian Synctropic Distribution System.
Gaia Commons Hub: The network of actors that state that they are and actually are aligned in their pursuit of well nourished planet earth AND agree to avoid redundancies by radically collaborating (Ally, buy, make).~ Within a specific Framework which includes 3 main Funds, Philanthropy, Investments and Impact Investment, and for Stewarding these allocations they share a Commons Governance Framework, shared Economics and Technologies. The hub provides tools and programs to coordinate, collaborate, communicate and share resources.
a) efficient Commons needs-based allocation & distribution of resources based on the judgment of our collective well grounded and strategic intelligence. (Coordination through governance)
b) collectively pooling resources to provide goods and services for the whole network, following the principle of non-redundancy: ally, buy, make (Collaboration through shared Economy and Knowledge)
c) a shared a integral regenerative currency system that supports the implementation of the purpose and all our goals.
Gaia Commons: Is a Membership network of actors that state that they are and actually are aligned in their pursuit of well nourished planet earth AND agree to avoid redundancies by radically collaborating (Ally, buy, make). In addition members contribute with any kind of capital (mainly time, goods or fiat money) to the Shared Basket of Abundance. All the fixed Assets are owned by the Commons Body as a whole. Members agree to share their profits (overcosts) with the commons to create a Healthy Abundance and Shared Prosperity
Through the Gaia Commons Hub Gaia commons members connect, collaborate and share abundance with other allies.
These grounded discernments are very important for us strategically in how we organize for emergence.
1. Focus on shifting western civilization because its institutions are currently on the path of massive extinction. Provide the people who are progressive and ready for a shift to the next level with a bridge to a functioning society. Incremental change of the current system is needed, but will not be sufficient to create the massive shift we need. We must make the old system obsolete by creating and demonstrating a much better system.
2. Governments and business leaders will not be the drivers of this creative process. They don’t have time while keeping up the existing, stressed system. While there is good progress in the EU, it is not at the scale required. We, the conscious cultural creatives, are the ones who have to build this system. Governments and businesses may be able to bridge and join once we are up and running with a functioning system.
3. A global system that transcends and includes the nation states is required because of the global nature of our lives and freedoms. Currently, each eco-village struggles alone without the coordinated support of the whole. If there are 10% of the human population emerging around the planet who can hold and create this vision together, that’s 800 million people. We have the potential to coordinate globally so we have the resources to make this shift. We must act legally in each country, including paying proper taxes to the dominant system and financial due diligence.
4. By focusing on the life and motivations of individuals in this system, we can understand the requirements for a massive shift. This plan uses a pension and retirement scheme as a long-term, high impact behavior shifting force. What stops many people from living the life they want is the obligations to the current system – if you want a nice house, privacy, technology and to be secure in your retirement, you need schooling, a job and a mortgage and that ties you in for at least 20 years. What if millions of people could shift all their life energy towards creating a better system. The Gaian System proposed in this plan, aims to create a holistic life that people are happy to choose instead, and tell their friends about.
5. Grants, philanthropy, and volunteerism are not enough. While grants and donations will be very helpful and important to get started, we cannot rely on charity to do this scale of transformative structural work, we have to earn it, and scale it. While a gift economy is a beautiful ideal, it is not conducive to building global governance, finance structures, and infrastructure that are connected around the world in the time required. The level of effort and expertise we need requires salaries and materials now. We need billions of dollars and 1000’s of people supported to focus on creating and weaving this new system.
6. Great resistance will present itself, especially as we become viable and visible. We will need to protect this system with redundancies. We will need to protect people’s privacy and reputation. Internal tension that is not resolved in a timely and compassionate manner will be the greatest threat to success. Keeping our own relationships healthy and hearts open, will be of prime importance.
7. While the system is envisioned to be developed in modern western cities, it may be that developing countries where states are failing will be even more ready to adopt a new system that aligns with ancient values and knowledge. The Global EcoVillage Network and rural land-based regenerative hubs will be important regional connectors of the pioneers of this emerging system. Perhaps developing countries will be able to leapfrog to this global system. It is not yet clear how we will be able to operate in hostile environments and we may have to start in stable, ecologically progressive places. It is hoped that global satellite internet and cheap handheld devices will be able to make their way around the world so everyone will have a chance to be part of the Gaian System as a way to give them hope, connections and resources to thrive even if their area has challenging circumstances. A challenge will be using the best of technology and capital while avoiding the worst of profit driven motives. Conscious co-creators will likely have to develop our own major tech companies funded by the Gaian System.
8. Indigenous wisdom is honored and respected in this system as a deeper knowing of how to live in tune with Gaia. In many ways, we will be re-introducing the basic indigenous principles and making them accessible and protected. Indigenous leadership and co-creation of this system is invited and required. Modern technology and finance will also be embraced, so what emerges will be a new culture, yet may feel familiar to our souls.
Theory of change in a nutshell
- Conscious Cocreators need systemic support as they choose to devote their life to creating the new governance, finance systems and education institutions for the 22nd Century.
- Create an alternative currency to pay people to do the work of building and practicing this governance and finance system that promises long-term tangible value in the form of care by the conscious community for your whole life. A kind of self-funded basic income for conscious co-creators. This alternative currency makes the YIN money system visible and transferable around the world and ensures the love and care we give freely, is returned in abundance.
- Using grants and donations, bring the pioneers of the new system together in a process to weave technologies and governance and culture into a functioning whole. Prototype fully functioning systems in several cities and ecoregions.
- Using community bonds and impact investments, invest in creating normal, profitable businesses to compete with current services, to funnel billions to building the regenerative economy. Retirement facilities, condos, mortgage companies, media companies, web services. Transfer 800 million conscious co-creators’ monthly expenses to benefit our movement.
- Iterate and refine an online platform for lifelong learning and earning.
- Power of choice. Giving everyday people an attractive Gaian economy to live into that is simple to use and offers massive value for each individual for their whole life, almost everywhere on Earth.
- Starting small (2,000 ppl). and growing participation in this system exponentially, doubling each 2 year period. Using fractal scaling of small pods. 1 billion by 2063.
- As we reach a critical mass of people choosing this system over the current system, existing governments and institutions rapidly adopt and transition to these system goals and rules and values, in some form or another. Healthy, wise choices are now regularly made for leadership candidates, national budgeting, education systems, environmental protection, healing and peace.
After massive systems change, all the parts are still there, but the relationships are different. « Nora Bates »
Aspirations to create fair and sustainable conditions are segregated and disperse often leading to redundancies and competing for same resources ultimately leading to continuation of the status quo.
People are physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually malnourished. (Addiction, creative suppression, homelessness, malnutrition & Diseases Environmental destruction etc.)
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