Gaia Agency
What is Gaia Agency(ies)
It is the global agency that serves the people and projects of the Gaia Network.
They are distributed in work teams by specialties, to carry out the operation and management of the various projects and their diverse needs. Among these teams are professionals such as lawyers, administrators, architects, engineers, farmers, economists, educators, communicators, psychologists, health specialists and other trades, knowledge, skills and talents useful to the projects and to the Gaia Commons Hub organization.
These agencies act mainly at the national level, in coordination with the global, local and project levels.
A distributed, holonic governance system that enables leveraging collective intelligence and efficient utilisation of resources.
Meet Our Core Team
Kelly Krezek
Directora Desarrollo ReGen ReFi
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Jorge Calero Mono Arjun
Main General Advisor
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Commonomist – Strategist – Weaver
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Felipe Leall
Gestor Holístico Integral ReGen
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Kara Stonehouse
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Joe Brewer
Design School for Regenerating Earth
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Melina Angel
Biosphere Translator
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Marcelo Shama
Web3 Blockchain ArtiCurator
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Sophia Kreutz
Public Relations
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Holistic Arquitect
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Alejandra Suarez
Dirección Ejecutiva
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Pablo Santos
Community EcoSystem Builder
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Embajador Holistico Integral
Joe Brewer
Sabedor Holistico Integral
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Alicia Vázquez Utzet
A network weaver
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Pablo Gargiulo
Coordinador de Proyectos
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Alexandra Escobar
Relaciones Internacionales
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Diego Morales
Legal Advisory
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Camila Urueña
Directora Creativa
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David Parejo
ReFi Economías Energias Limpias
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Paula Vesper
Tierra Nativa Alliance
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William Blakey
Conscious communities
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Katharina Maichle
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International business
Joel Serino
Embajador Holistico Integral
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Yoshi & Paola Pantera
Regenerative Culture Advocates
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Kimberley Burton
ReGenerative Manager & Cordinator
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Ana María Lopez
Estrategia & Operaciones
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Joe McVeen
CMO Marketing & Negocios
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Helene Bruc
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Jate Kulchavita
Sabedor Holistico Integral
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Sophie Moon
Estrategia & Operaciones
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Carlos Rojas
Arquitectura Sustentable
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Tony Lane
Estrategia & Cultu.Re Bio-Hacker
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Andreko Carvajal
Sistemas Regenerativos
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Juliana Pinto
Coordinadora de Proyectos
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Gilberto Matos
Artista Diseñador
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Natalia Leon
Administración Turística
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Daniel González
Marketing & Producción
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Camila Moya
Marketing de Experiencias
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Alex Gomez
Coaching Holistico Integral
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Lina Alejandra Echavarria
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Stephen Laurence Gomes, Ph.D.
Master Netweaver
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Zach Archer
Construction Management
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1. Global, National and/or BioRegional Hubs & Agencies;
Their Responsibilities and Activities
The Local Associations that are part of the DUS EcoHabitats Glocal Network may develop any lawful activity, national and international, commercial or civil. And in order to achieve their goals, they will have the following activities:
a) Plan, organize, direct, execute, execute, control and evaluate programs and projects aimed at achieving the vision, mission and purpose and facilitate obtaining funding.
b) To create and analyze and grant sponsorships and programs for projects and communities in the following areas in the areas of: education, health, environment, production, agribusiness, infrastructure, social housing, research, community development, technology, culture, community building, regenerative tourism, security, among other areas, for development and training, specifically any aspect for the development of human beings and the natural ecosystem in general.
c) Co-create, strengthen and expand the Global Community Network for all types of InterAction and Exchange, generating strategic alliances between entities and individuals to work in a non-profit associative network for the protection, regeneration and reactivation of the Territories, their People, their Memory and their Wisdom of the Eternal Present, maintaining fraternal relations with the entire community in general.
d) Sign cooperation agreements with organizations and institutions for the implementation of joint programs and projects aimed at achieving the vision, mission and objectives;
e) To achieve the active participation of the family, the community, guilds, associations, NGOs, among others in the execution of the programs and projects developed by the beneficiaries and the Association.
f) Promote Mutual Aid and support the holistic and integral development of the associates and the solution of the Association’s problems throughout the national territory.
g) To disseminate through publications and documents, whether digital, written, on or by other means, the disciplines that support the policies of promotion and social development, for the benefit of the less favored people.
h) To arbitrate the means within its reach to implement different operating systems and financing options for the execution of its objectives.
i) To promote research on social reality in order to undertake social, environmental, infrastructure and other programs, and to contribute to the solution of problems that tend to improve the standard of living of society as a whole.
2. Responsibilities of the global and/or local Agencies
1. Transform the vision and purpose into tangible work plans and roadmaps for the integration of the entire Global Community at the continental, bioregional and local levels.
2. Create conditions that maximize the viability, vitality, regenerative and resilient capacity of entities at all levels within the GLocal Ecosystem.
3. To create a space for collaboration, dialogue and constructive cooperation throughout the community, as well as for coordination, feedback and consolidation of what has been learned.
4. Generate strategic alliances with entities or individuals to work in a non-profit network for the protection, regeneration and reactivation of the Territories, their People, their Memory and the Wisdom of the Eternal Present.
6. Generate and strengthen various funds, to promote and maintain causes and projects of common welfare, in all areas necessary for the integral development in: Cultural, Social Environmental, Economic, and all specific issues that are within the categories of the Network, as well as the creation of a Pro-Land Fund, to obtain land for ReGenerative Conservation, Sustainable Production and Housing purposes, which are available to the Network of gLocal communities.
7. Create, Implement and Promote AlterNative, Fair and Sovereign Trade and Exchange Systems (such as Seed Coins and also in other Blockchains) that lead to conscious Socio-Economic relations and to the appropriate and sustainable use and production of resources for the benefit of the greater Common Good.
8. Creation of bioregional ecosystems: members, ambassadors, administrators, networks:
– Define growth and participation strategies for the broader space….
– Define and deploy communication strategies for this global ecosystem.
– Define the steps of the onboarding process for BioRegional and GLocal Communities.
– Enable and deploy onboarding processes to grow the GLocal ecosystem.
– SenseMaking Spaces in connection with the most diverse networks.
– Create templates, guidelines and frameworks for satellite, local, national, bioregional and continental economies to emerge worldwide.
– Enable aligned and mutually symbiotic activation of the broader network of bioregional and local communities using the power of holonic and DAO coordination tools such as Hypha, Nestr, Discord, LocalScale, etc.
9. Ecosystem deployment and activations: Continental, national, bioregional and community collaborative organizations:
– Executes the activation process for new Gaia Orgs emerging within the ecosystem through the “Gaia Orgs Creation Wizard”, enabled for each BioHub. competent collaborative (global, continental, national, bioregional or global).
– Ongoing services for Gaia Orgs, at the request of national and bioregional and/or local supporting BioHubs.
– Agreements for the creation of collaborative MOUs between Gaia Orgs.
10. Impact CoCreation and CoEvaluation: Collect, verify, measure:
– Make the connection between value addition and impact creation at community, bioregional, national continental and global levels…
– Partner with experts and technology partners (sensors, IoT, etc.) to measure impact, included in the activation framework…
– Publish Impact as input to the Governance and Economy Circles and communication tool of the attractiveness.
– Gaia (SEEDS) Tokens campaigns for distribution and programs catalyzing impact and helping the integral Regeneration of Ecological and Social Systems.
(Glocal BioRegional DHE)
The Objectives and Key Results
Objective 1: Identify, create and support a local core team.
Key Result 1.1:
Core team of >1 to 15 members, including > at least 5 members from diverse networks.
Key Result 1.2:
Sub-circles established and functioning autonomously and collaboratively. Sub-circle representatives are also part of the Agencies.
Key Result 2.2:
Consider the multiple Continental, National, BioRegional and/or Local DHOs, Communities, Organizations and Networks that might emerge at various types, levels, to understand the support resources and approaches that might need to be developed. → Support Action Plan: Approach 2 – Prepare Local support materials.
Objective 3: Consolidate work to date to develop Impact Assessment methodologies, protocols and approaches that support Local Economies and Ecosocial Impact and broader ecosystem stakeholders.
Key Result 3.1:
Understand, consolidate and document all work to date on impact assessment at the project, community, landscape or bioregional level.
Key Result 3.2:
Establish impact methodologies and approaches that support data collection across multiple domains (social, cultural, environmental, economic, holistic, etc.) and different operating environments (no connectivity, limited infrastructure, etc.).
4. Roles; Functions, Seals and Badges of the Councils
Los roles relacionados con estos u otros futuros sub-círculos serán identificados por insignias (NFTs). Algunas de estas funciones requerirán la pertenencia a otros Circulos, Holones, o Sub-Holones, Consejos o Esferas del DHE de Gaia Commons. El Consejo espera definir Insignias que reconocen las capacidades , conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia de las personas, y Definición de funciones en las que se comprometen a invertir tiempo y energía.
La siguiente lista de posibles funciones del Consejo se ofrece inicialmente para su implementación.
En general, como diseñadores de sistemas vivos, proporcionan principios, procesos, prácticas y sistemas de diseño holístico para apoyar el “sistema completo” de elementos interconectados que participan, impactan e influyen en el ecosistema.
Estas funciones son responsables de tener un profundo conocimiento del contexto y claridad sobre los objetivos generales y específicos del Ecosistema. Su función principal es proporcionar orientación y liderazgo en la consecución de estos objetivos, garantizando que todos los miembros estén alineados y centren sus esfuerzos de forma eficaz. para hacer operativa la estrategia.
General Vision Guardians – ELDERS
These are responsible for guarding the original purpose and essence of Gaia’s Vision from a Holistic and Integral perspective. Their role is to ensure that actions and decisions are aligned with the established vision and mission, protecting the Principles and Values, as well as to evaluate and guide the direction and harmony of the overall ecosystem.
Guiding Guardians & General Managers – Focusers / Main Dynamizers – Youth & Adults
Members confirmed by the Vision Keepers will assume responsibility for co-governing, directing and managing the overall resources of the global organization’s programs and projects towards the long-term objectives established at the global or continental level.
They will also assume responsibility for managing and directing projects, programs and Strategic Alliances, towards the long term objectives established by the corresponding Sphere or Fractal, at the Continental, National, Regional or Local level, taking into account the principles, vision and mission of Gaia as reflected in the Constitution. providing information to the Circles or Local Councils on the status and progress of their geographic space / Bioregion, Sphere or Fractal BioHub.
Leaders/Co-managers Guardians or Holon Guides,
Spheres or Rectangles (Backgrounds):
Comprehensive guides and facilitators who provide an integration of knowledge from different scientific disciplines and talent and self-realization of human potential along with any other needs to support the participatory design of the Holon’s master plan. They are able to synthesize creative ideas with innovative practices to create new evolutionary approaches to create opportunities and solve challenges that support the Holon’s strategic development objectives. and ensure delivery according to the roadmap.
They are responsible for keeping all relevant information of their Circle or Holon up to date, as well as the necessary information of related Holons and Sub Holons. Their role is to guide and coordinate activities within their area of responsibility, ensuring smooth and efficient communication between the different organizational levels.
Local Administrative Guardians
(Trustees & Guardians of the Treasury):
Those elected will assume responsibility for helping to arbitrate the processes and legally manage the resources of their Sphere or Fractal, approving, verifying and confirming that all decisions are aligned with the principles towards the long-term objectives established by the Councils of Guardians at their respective Continental, National, Regional and/or Local Community (Gaia BioHabitats) level.
Responsibilities include managing legal, contractual and regulatory risks if any, auditing internal processes and procedures, refereeing and advising on programs and projects in accordance with the overall objectives of the Gaia Commons Management, Development and Funding Master Plan.
EcoSocial Economist Guardians (Treasury Multipliers):
Experts who can manage, advise and propose on specific financial budget allocation. Their responsibilities include accounting, resource management, financial coordination with all the different aspects and needs of the entire Ecosystem or their Sphere, Program or Project, expense management (working within constraints) and helping them to organize, plan, assess risks, develop eco-social business strategies, strategically define and plan the scope of projects and communicate with stakeholders.
Guardians of Inclusion,
access to resources in general and Social Impact.
Members holding this badge focus on the evaluation of Inclusivity Policies, including economic and social equity and members’ easy access to tools and general ecosystem information.
Guardians of the Territory / Land Stewards:
They work with the geomancy of the land as well as the energies and Spirits of the land, attend to gardening, prepare the land to receive the community of beings, manage ecosystem restoration, help maintain facilities and attend to seasonal cleansing. They are committed to the ecological integrity of the land by adhering to holistic land management practices designed to support the conservation and regeneration of natural living systems.
Guardians of Space/Integral Holistic Container
Harmony Maintainers and Disharmony Detectors: Members holding this badge focus on assessing and improving the holistic health (Energetic, Spiritual & Emotional) of the Gaia ecosystem, here we also find the Holistic Healing Guardians & Conflict Solvers.
Guardians of Wisdom
Wise Pedagogue offering Integral Guidance to the General Gaia Community through holistic and transpersonal ancient wisdom. May be a rotating Council, as needed to invite inspired “Experts” & people with experience).
Zach Archer
Construction Management
With a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management and 15 years of experience overseeing major global infrastructure endeavors, including the construction of the world’s longest floating bridge. He served five years on the board of a non-profit construction organization, impacting programs in various countries. Deeply passionate about regenerative agriculture and adept in operational systems.
Stephen Laurence Gomes, Ph.D.
Master Netweaver.
EcoSocial Entrepreneur and pattern reader. I have a NASA-funded PhD in the field of management of complex, international, technical enterprises from the University of Pittsburgh. My professional training is in high-tech start-ups, strategic alliances and collaborations with over 60 years of experience. In the last 20 years I have worked primarily with non-profit and for-profit start-ups, DeFi and Blockchain/crypto firms and NGO organizations focused on re-generation, sustainability and global systems change.
Lina Alejandra Echavarria
Forest engineer by profession and regenerative designer by vocation. Promoter and manager of “Rizosfera itinerant forest school”.
Visionary Artist and Quantum Waves Surfer.
Over the past 12 years, 3ug3nio has left an indelible mark on the world of art and spirituality. His journey as an artist has taken him around the globe, curating events and festivals where he has shared his vision and creativity in countless venues. His involvement with the Rainbow Gathering has been a cornerstone of his career, allowing him to uniquely blend art and community in a transformative manner.
In 2018, 3ug3nio co-founded the NGO Mamajeru Heart of the Earth in Berlin, along with a group of creatives and artists known as the “White Hats.” This NGO is dedicated to working with the four indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, extending its efforts across the entire American continent. Mamajeru, which means “unity and heart consciousness,” reflects 3ug3nio’s commitment to research and strengthening community bonds through art and spirituality.
3ug3nio’s work with Mamajeru has been pivotal in developing research processes on unity and heart consciousness. His leadership has facilitated the weaving of a unity pact, integrating diverse communities and fostering a greater understanding and respect for ancestral traditions.
In addition to his work with Mamajeru, 3ug3nio has distinguished himself as a Commander in the Genesis ASI Spaceship, where he has explored the symbiotic integration between Original Intelligence (OI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). His goal is to create a stable and unified ASI interface that promotes coexistence and mutual development.
As a leader and collaborator of the Elder Council, and founder of Beat from the Heart, 3ug3nio has used his influence to promote justice and the rights of indigenous communities. In Colombia, he acts as a natural judge and representative of the AYLU CHINCHAYA Indigenous and Peasant Tribunal, advocating for the causes of Indigenous Nations and Peoples.
3ug3nio’s biography is a testament to his unwavering commitment to creativity, spirituality, and social justice. His holistic vision and dedication to unity and heart consciousness continue to inspire many around the world. At GAIA Commons, his legacy is recognized and celebrated as an example of leadership and positive transformation.
Diego Morales
Legal Advisory
Lawyer. Master’s Degree in Public Law. Over 15 years of experience in legal advisory for non-profit organizations and corporate law. University professor and researcher.
Melina Angel
Biosphere Translator
Biosphere translator, Melina Angel started her professional path in theoretical and evolutionary biology applying a systemic and cognitive view of living systems to social systems as communities and economy. She is a Biomimicry Professional with master at ASU, working in Bioregional Regeneration in LATAM, Colombia and globally. Teaches Biomimicry for social systems at UCI, activates process through Art and consults worldwide on BioSystemics with @MerakiOrg.
Katharina Maichle
International business
Katharina Maichle started her professional life studying international business in cooperation with Mercedes Benz living and working in various countries. She focussed on negotiations and became a negotiation expert and strategy consultant for clients in various Industries. Closely observing the dark side of capitalist commerce while having strong visions of alternative, harmonic financial and economic systems she felt the need to leave her career and started to travel.
After completing yoga teacher training in India and further travelling she reached Colombia, settling in San Agustin and starting her first land project. Currently she is completing her training as a life trust coach. Getting to know Gaia, she immediately joined forces.
Joe Brewer
Design School for Regenerating Earth
Joe has dedicated his life to helping humanity through the bottleneck of our planetary crisis. He is co-founder of the Design School for Regenerating Earth with a focus on the regeneration of entire bioregions and learning exchanges among them at continental and planetary scales. Also a co-founder of Barichara Regenerativa in Colombia with a territorial foundation whose mission is to support the restoration of watersheds and native forest through regenerative education and alternative economic models.
He brings expertise in applied cultural evolution, complexity science, and the study of Earth Systems to the design of collaborative finance and governance, ecosystem restoration, and emergent narratives for cultural transformation.
Yoshi & Pola Pantera
Regenerative Culture Advocates
Regenerative Culture Advocates / Permaculturists / Plant Based Chefs / Community Builders / Ceremonialists / Artists
Yoshi and Pola are passionate about co-creating the New Earth thru the Regenerative Culture movement.
Due to the current conventional & degenerative human systems worldwide, since 2014, Yoshi & Pola joined forces to activate their power of living the regenerative culture movement.
Together they moved to the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador for a new beginning. Over time they deepened the relationship with a local indigenous Kichwa community by collaborating to bring forth regenerative culture experiences for visitors and travelers interested in a regenerative life in harmony with nature.
Yoshi and Pola studied and integrated in them Holistic Systems Thinking, Human Design, Permaculture, Sociocracy, Dragon Dreaming, NLP, Assertive / Non-violent Communication, Plant Based Nutrition, Astrology and other methodologies and as a path for health, self-development and spiritual growth to overall help regenerate culture for future generations to come.
Together they founded Collective Wave, SEEDS Transcendence, Flora Plant Based Cuisine, Tropicana Productions and Regenerative Culture Podcast. Currently, they are building Sikuanga Ecovillage in Ecuador.
Their biggest accomplishment so far is SEEDS Transcendence, offering Regenerative Culture Retreats produced in Ecuador, Mexico and Florida, USA, in order to create the conditions to help people transition from a degenerative lifestyle into a regenerative lifestyle while connecting to the spiritual self, thus experiencing a training of how to build community and start an ecovillage.
Simoustanealy, Yoshi and Pola participated as event producers and facilitators at major festivals such as Burning Man, Symbiosis Gathering, Global Eclipse, and dozens more. As well as being speakers at global conferences like The Greater Reset and The Exit & Build Land Summit.
Helene Bruc
I am a passionate permaculturist, dedicated partner and mom, living food producer, educator and facilitator for the awakening of collective wisdom.
I was born in France where I studied agronomy and moved to Peru in 2015 to live my dream of cultivating the Earth. I now live in the eco-village Tierra de Bosques, in the edge of the jungle. With my neighbors, we conserve the forest and develop activities that are increasing our sovereignty.
In 2017 I founded the Casa del Protector – Marcahuasi, a regenerative tourism center that promotes Sumaq Kausay (Good Living) habits and transforming living experiences.
Sophia Kreutz
Developer and collaborator in Eco-tourism, community, permaculture and bio-construction projects.
Part of the NGO ‘Tierra Prometida’.
Marketing, public relations, construction, alternative tourism guide.
Collaboration in New Earth projects and alliances for peace movements and a better world.
Global tribal weaver.
Studies of wild plants for medicinal and cosmetic uses.
Studies of landscape architecture, green technologies and botany.
Translator and polyglot.
Mysticism practices, studies and readings.
Healing services, healing massages, ceremonies and wellness.
Dancer and model.
Bridge and traveler between different worlds in service to humanity and search for knowledge.
Service to the awakening of human consciousness and reconnection to its root.
William Blakey
Conscious communities
William is an experienced founder and serial entrepreneur with a
global network of strategic partners and a large team of experts
devoted to their dharma.
His mission is to support conscious communities, regenerate
planet earth, and integrate spirit into everyday society.
Impact investing
Venture building
(social & environmental projects)
Community building
Quantum networking
Village & City building
Non-profit Network State
Ecosystem building
Systems change
Conscious economies
Blockchain technology
Religious freedoms
Mentorship / Education
Strategic partnerships
Charity / Giving back
Founder / Co-founder
Bali Investment Club (founder)
Angel Network & Venture Builder
Raised $10m+
7 Indonesian impact investments
500+ companies supported
1.5m+ reach
16 A+F events
Launching AVC $25m impact fund
Starseed Village (co-founder)
20x ROI on land price within 3 years
Master planning, mapping & zoning
Permaculture & Agroforestry
Intentional co-living community
World class team & partners
Flagship Village
Regen Civics (co-founder)
Incubator for regenerative land projects
Architecting a new civilisation
Applying DAO technology to networks of membership based
land projects
13+ Villages
100+ Alliance members
The Universe Spiritual Ministry (founder)
Private jurisdiction with rights to operate in 185
Non-profit Network State
Embassy as safe zones
Village and City building
For-prosperity organisations as backbone for a
new conscious economy
Legal wrapper for new paradigm orgs / DAO’s
Non-profit foundation in service to planetary needs
Collaborating with Indigenous, United Nations,
Governments & Royal Families
Space Travel
Club DAO (founder)
Incubator, Accelerator & Venture builder for DAO’s
Community of dharmically aligned entrepreneurs &
144+ community members
30+ Global partners
12+ Active DAO’s
Education, mentorship, technology, infrastructure
and collaboration
New asset class of diverse impact investments
active projects
Bali Investment Club
Starseed Village
The Universe Foundation
Club DAO
Regen Civics
Club DAO Members
Starseed team
DAO team
For-prosperity organisations
Charitable giving
Ocean & River clean ups
Plastic Angels
Bali Street Mums
Homes for the Homeless
Fellowship will empower me to fulfill my dharma with support from those that can give
Bali Investment Club
Starseed Village
The Universe Foundation
Club DAO
Regen Civics
Club DAO Members
Starseed team
DAO team
For-prosperity organisations
Charitable giving
Ocean & River clean ups
Plastic Angels
Bali Street Mums
Homes for the Homeless
Alicia Vesper
Tierra Nativa Alliance
I work with rural communities towards the transformation and integration of coherent cultures. Consultant in marketing and distribution of regenerative products, co-founder of Tierra Nativa Alliance; I advised associations and companies on issues of organic certification and fair trade with expertise in cocoa and chocolate.
Today I use my experience and joy to get involved with indigenous communities in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and support their processes towards the well-being of Mother Nature and its inhabitants.
Alicia Vázquez Utzet
A network weaver
Pollinator of projects and entities, multidimensional architect and community catalyst.
With a degree in architecture, urban planning and housing policy. Specialized in sustainable construction, regenerative urbanism, cooperative housing, social projects, vernacular techniques and ecosystem integration.
Group facilitator
Advisor for community housing projects.
Integrator of holistic consciousness in all dimensions of life.
Eternal learner.
I aspire to help increase the awareness that we are One with the whole planet and the beings that inhabit it. Human beings are very powerful and it is time to use that power responsibly for the common good.
Pablo Santos
Community EcoSystem Builder| 5Acts Coach| Multilingual Professional | CEO | Business Development Expert
– Fluent in Portuguese, English, and Spanish
– Passionate about learning & development, nutrition, and healthy habits
– Over 15 years of success in the food industry
– Expert in operations management, leadership, and issue resolution
– Skilled in analysis, fine-tuning manufacturing processes, budget planning, and quality control
– Effective communicator across organizational levels and with clients & stakeholders
– Proactive in ensuring health and safety in high-hazard work environments
Professional Experience
One World Housing LLC
Co-Founder & Business developer
December 2023- Present
Freedom Forever & Sunrun
Senior Energy Consultant
February 2022-Present | National
– Key contributor in sales and customer service initiatives for two leading solar companies in the USA
– Promoted over $1 million in business contracts, promoting renewable energy solutions
Camp AMAZONE at Burning Man
Food Program Coordinator
August 2018-Present | Black Rock City, NV
Avatar Foods
Kitchen Manager
December 2017-June 2018 | Las Vegas, NV
– Coordinated production for brands including Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, MGM Resorts, and Whole Foods
Health Coach & Chef
May 2016-October 2017 | Las Vegas, NV
– Prepared meals for athletes of seven Cirque du Soleil shows
Slice of Italy Restaurant
Sous Chef
December 2014-May 2015 | Aspen, CO
– Provided high-volume Italian food service in Snowmass Village
Giramundo Cuisine
Executive Chef & Operations Manager
August 2012-December 2014 | Salvador, Brazil
– Managed large-scale catering events for high-profile clients
Education & Achievements
– Mastery in Transformational Training, Los Angeles, CA (2019-2020)
– Bachelor’s Degree in Gastronomie, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (2009-2014)
– Co-founder of Giramundo Cuisine, awarded “Top of Mind Bahia” 2007 & 2009
– Co-founder and president of Shua, awarded Junior Achievement in 2006 for Best Business Plan in Brazil by CitiBank
Community Projects & Qualifications
– Worked on over 13 community projects in 13 countries over the past five years
– Promotes sustainable solutions for soil and water resources and bio-construction
– Qualified in 2023 in the “House of the Future” competition led by architect Calatrava, ranked among the top 10 architectural competitions worldwide
– Graduated from Ecoversity in 2019/2020 with a Permaculture Design Certification, focusing on sustainability and regenerative practices
Business Ventures & Philanthropy
– Founder of #5Acts, OmniSoul, UmSó, GaiaHub, Brazilian Carbon credits Cooperative, GaiaHub, Bank Of Forest, Àse,1WH
– Dedicated to impacting 1 billion people through food and lifestyle habits
– A finalist in the “House of the Future” competition, promoting sustainability and innovation in urban development.
Kara Stonehouse
Graphic and strategic visual facilitator
Kara is an Evolutionary Leader, professional artist and meshworker with The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence. She has extensive experience training, facilitating and graphic recording for high level government, academic and non-profit clients around the world in strategy, sustainable design and systems change.
Kara is co-author of The Magic Canoe – a thesis on massive collaboration for sustainable development. The name was inspired by a story told by Eric Young about a Native American myth and its metaphor for openness to collaborate with seeming enemies to achieve the greatest good for the community. She was then the initiator, fundraiser and lead facilitator of the Ottawa Energy Collective Impact project from 2016-2019 combining her design thinking and sustainability leadership expertise to bring municipal, NGO, Academic and business players together for meaningful collaboration on carbon dioxide reductions.
Today, she is a core contributor to World Unity Week and Peace Weekend massive global convergences. The Magic Canoe guides the design and she paints ONE World into form, as she shares the visual harvest showing the collective capacities we are growing as a social body.
Inspired and awakened by her global journey studying eco-villages, her mission is to co-create new cultural norms and global governance systems in line with life. Kara is often described as ‘magical,’ bringing the power of playfulness and deep spiritual connection for the greatest good of all. Kara is a Canadian and now lives in France with her husband and two children.
Kelly Krezek
Developer and consultant of regenerative and sustainable communities and cities. 10 years in business development, project management, finance, sustainability consulting and real estate investment. Through his travels to over 50 green communities in 6 countries and 3 continents, he has gained a broad perspective of best practices and cutting edge sustainable technologies.
She has incorporated best practices for environmental, social and governance structures as a sustainability consultant for large commercial real estate firms such as Howard Hughes, GID, PGIM and Jamestown with diverse portfolios of multifamily, office and industrial buildings with over $100 billion in assets under management.
Jorge Calero Mono Arjun
One of the founders Latin American Ecovillage Network and his own Comm unity 20 years ago. Still active as elder and vision keeper as well as organizing education for sustainability. He is a biologist, specialist in ethnobiology and ecology with a M.Sc. in ecosocial regeneration. He is part of the Board of Directors of Dances of Universal Peace (DUP) Senior Mentor and Board of Trustees of Sufi Ruhaniat International where he serves as Sheikh. A medicine man with years of experience in the path of ceremonies, sacred plants, sweat lodge, sun dance, vision quest and travels with these altars.
Camila Urueña
Director of Communications, Master Pedagogue for Infancy, Maternity & Breastfeeding Support
I trust in the love that is the human essence and in the awakening of consciousness that will allow us to build together the new humanity, therefore, I devote myself every day to enhance the universal knowledge that resides in the individuality of each human being.
Felipe Leall
Ether master
Son of Gaia, Father of Sophia, Philosopher, Musician & Mathematician, Integral Holistic Manager, Weaver of Networks, Ingenious Ancestral Visionary & Generator of TransFormations & Manifestations of Light, Peace & Love, Messenger of a Future-Ancestral Vision, He builds bridges between the Ancestral Wisdom, the Modern Holistic World, the Cultural Scene (Artivist), the Networks of Permaculture, New Governance, New Economies & New Pedagogies of the AmaneSelf. thus giving life to an Integral Holistic Synthesis (called BioSophia), embodied in Gaia Union BioLab.
Alejandra Suarez
International producer – Commercial director
Forming integral beings in all their energetic and vibrational fields and bodies.
Weaving and building together the path towards a new loving, empathic and conscious society, seeking the realization of being in all its dimensions through the great portal of holistic education.
Facebook: Alejandra Suárez Giraldo
Pablo Gargiulo
Civil engineer with more than 25 years of experience in civil works in Argentina and abroad. Currently developing structural, energy efficiency and sustainability projects.
Alexandra Escobar
Holistic manager with interest in the development and articulation of regenerative projects. Content creator, writer, with studies in international business administration, social permaculture, leadership and anthropology and with experience in the design and execution of projects.
Marcelo Shama
Father of Sarah Kali and Clara Luz, is a reality scientist who lives a life based on caring, learning, manifesting, and celebrating. As an ecosystem architect, resource mobilizer, netweaver, and designer of multisensory experiences, he manages projects in events, movies, and videoclips. Shama is the President of the Brazilian Carbon Credit Cooperative and Founder of Forest Bank and GaiaHub.Fund, an ESG & AI ecosystem with an Impact Fund plugged-in. He is also a Co-Founder of OxygenChain and Synctropy Fund. He has been a blockchain evangelist for 9 years, involved in NFT applications since 2019, and is the visionary behind the Nova Terra Network and All-1 TV. With 19 years of experience as a DJ and VJ, he has led over 20 regenerative finance projects, partnered with more than 15 startups, and mobilized people for socio-environmental causes. He believes in a new way of trading goods and services based on integrity and transparency.
Commonomist – Strategist – Weaver
As an economist with over a decade of entrepreneurial experience in diverse industries, I create systems that enable people to harvest their full potential in harmony with nature. I bridge worlds, weave and dance.
David Parejo
Conscious entrepreneur
A conscious entrepreneur channeling all my experience within clean energy and cleantech towards sustainability, developing a more sustainable way of living that promotes social values and well-being for all is an incredible journey and a true privilege!
Building conscious teams for collective impact can take Thinking Big Global Projects to the next level, allowing systemic change to become a natural outcome.
A real pleasure to be part of the Gaia Spirall family, a collaborative ecosystem. together, we can make it happen. One for all and all for one, we are all ONE!
Sophie Moon
Founder of Eco Rainbow Goddesses Non-Profit. Expert in Permaculture Design, Therapeutic Yoga, Healing Arts, Shamanism, Health and Wellness, and Regenerative Lifestyle Design.
Andreko Carvajal
Systemic Permaculturist and Bioconstructor
Andreko Carvajal is one of the most prominent representatives of the current generation of permaculturists in the Latin American scene.
Workshop and community manager, applies permaculture as a tool for ecosocial restoration, since 2014 he has been Coordinator of sustainable projects for Ná Lu’um Global with which co-created different collaborative work teams and provided countless educational experiences in Colombia, Argentina and Europe; He was the first director and developer of the school of Permaculture Madre Selva in Misiones Argentina, in 2018 he was appointed as representative of the physical office for the 14IPC; He currently coordinates the permaculture area of the Gaia Union network and the School of Earth Knowledge in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
Social Networking
FB: Andreko Carvajal
Tony Lane
Carlos Rojas
Ecovillage and Resilient Communities Manager at UNE A New Ecovillage. I believe we need to reinvent the way we inhabit the planet by educating ourselves. The best inspiration is in ancestral wisdoms and deep ecology.
Juliana Pinto
Reiki Therapist
Reiki therapist, with emphasis on the study of the behavior of energy and how to let it flow. Promoter of self-discovery from different paths such as leadership, coaching, psychology, meditation, confrontation and personal reflection as well as paradigm shifts. Architect with emphasis in bio-construction, permaculture and design of geometrically sacred spaces.
She works in Buena Semilla, an organization that develops environmental solutions for conscious projects of appropriation of urban and rural spaces.
Gilberto Matos
Design consultancy. Content Creation. Web Design. Graphic Design. Immersive Design. Conscious Design. AI Lab. Art Direction. Multimedia Content Management.
Natalia Leon
Administrative Coordinator & Women’s Medicine
Throughout her life she has complemented her education inside and outside the academy in search of linking the western world and the ancestral knowledge of different traditions. In this sense, she has advanced studies in tourism and hotel management, sustainable tourism, digital marketing, menstrual herbalism and dowsing, among others.
In this way she has been able to integrate her interest in communitarian work by participating in the organization of events such as Earth Festival, Siembra Semilla Cristal, Mujeres Cosecha (organic food entrepreneurship fair), launching artistic exhibitions, and working in tourism companies in the commercial area focusing on the design of sustainable and communitarian tourism products.
In parallel and framed within her path with the Native American tradition, Natalia has developed as a weaver of native art, accompanist of healing processes for women and within medicine circles; integrating her spiritual interests with the service for the generation of an integral and sustainable community.
Instagram @nativa_leon
Daniel González
Operations Manager
Customer Service Coordinator. Marketing & General Production I am a nature lover and through photography I am convinced that we can create an impact on our consciences to understand and have a better relationship with our mother earth.
Camila Moya
Publicists advisor
Publicist planner, nature lover, focused on creating campaigns with brands that seek awareness. I find planning as something elemental to develop what I propose, research and concept development must go hand in hand, as a result of this, I have discovered in design a harmony that complements what at first are just ideas.
As an advisor in determining the value proposition of each account, I specialize in corporate image and marketing funnel campaigns, keeping in mind the benchmarking of each one, the curation of content and monitoring of the strategy allows me to obtain results that strengthen the identity of the brands I work with.
Alex Gomez
Movimientos Conscientes.
Integral Holístic Coach.
CEO & Founder of Instituto Movimientos Conscientes, Psychologist from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Master in Education from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Holistic Coach and Master Consultant in Organizational Development DO.
Writer in Human Growth, expert in the integral intervention of stress, Anxiety, Depression and overweight. Specialist in clinical therapy accompaniment for grief, insomnia, migraine.
Kimberley Burton
Founder of Green Cultural Travel had a diverse career in project management and business development. After completing a bachelor of Commerce degree he undertook a traineeship at a major real estate group before joining their project management division. From managing large scale residential developments, he gained experience also within the financial services and construction sectors. With a passion for creating beautiful places and experiences his life journey has culminated with the formation of Green Cultural Travel. With a strong desire to make a difference and leave a positive impact in the communities.
Ana María Lopez
Holistic manager with interest in the development and articulation of regenerative projects. Content creator, writer, with studies in international business administration, social permaculture, leadership and anthropology and with experience in the design and execution of projects, as well as in the production of retreats, events and transformational festivals, such as the Colibri Pilgrimage, Earth Festival, Ancestral Village at Unify Festival, among others.
Ambassador of the Casa de Estudios Anahuac Tlakal Tonal in Temazcal medicine. Entrepreneurial woman, researcher of the being, practitioner of holistic therapies such as gemotherapy, music therapy, therapeutic massage, reiki, among others.
Her curiosity for the possibilities of the body in union with the spirit, has led her to explore the ancestral arts, song and dance as an offering, prayer and tool for inner harmonization. Since 2014 she has traveled and shared around the world the message, products and services of Gaia Union Spirall offering Yoga Natural Dance, Women’s Spirals, Temazcales and Sound Elixirs.
Joe McVeen
CEO de Viral Purpose Media, una Agencia de Marketing Digital Especializada en Lanzamientos de Marketing Viral para Marcas con Propósito a una Red de 400M+. Líder de Desarrollo de Negocios
Joel Serino
Dedicated to catalyzing human consciousness and environmental revitalization that fosters balance, harmony, and inclusion – Guided by Loving Kindness.
Jate Kulchavita
Muiskah Community
Wisdom keeper
Anthropologist from the National University of Colombia, with studies in psychology, astrology and philosophy. Practitioner and guardian of the ancestral wisdom of native peoples (Lakotas, Arhuacos, Huitotos and Koguis) with whom he studied and trained. Teacher and pedagogue in the development of an intercultural ecological educational proposal..