Gaia Agency

What is Gaia Agency(ies)

It is the global agency that serves the people and projects of the Gaia Network.

They are distributed in work teams by specialties, to carry out the operation and management of the various projects and their diverse needs. Among these teams are professionals such as lawyers, administrators, architects, engineers, farmers, economists, educators, communicators, psychologists, health specialists and other trades, knowledge, skills and talents useful to the projects and to the Gaia Commons Hub organization.

These agencies act mainly at the national level, in coordination with the global, local and project levels.


A distributed, holonic governance system that  enables leveraging collective intelligence and efficient utilisation of resources.

Meet Our Core Team

Kelly Krezek

Directora Desarrollo ReGen ReFi

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Jorge Calero Mono Arjun

Main General Advisor

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Commonomist – Strategist – Weaver

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Felipe Leall

Gestor Holístico Integral ReGen

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Kara Stonehouse


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Joe Brewer

Design School for Regenerating Earth

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Melina Angel

Biosphere Translator

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Marcelo Shama

Web3 Blockchain ArtiCurator

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Sophia Kreutz

Public Relations

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Holistic Arquitect

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Alejandra Suarez

Dirección Ejecutiva

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Pablo Santos

Community EcoSystem Builder

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Embajador Holistico Integral

Joe Brewer

Sabedor Holistico Integral

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Alicia Vázquez Utzet

A network weaver

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Pablo Gargiulo

Coordinador de Proyectos

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Alexandra Escobar

Relaciones Internacionales

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Diego Morales

Legal Advisory

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Camila Urueña

Directora Creativa

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David Parejo

ReFi Economías Energias Limpias

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Paula Vesper

Tierra Nativa Alliance

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William Blakey

Conscious communities

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Katharina Maichle

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International business

Joel Serino

Embajador Holistico Integral

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Yoshi & Paola Pantera

Regenerative Culture Advocates

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Kimberley Burton

ReGenerative Manager & Cordinator

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Ana María Lopez

Estrategia & Operaciones

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Joe McVeen

CMO Marketing & Negocios

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Helene Bruc


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Jate Kulchavita

Sabedor Holistico Integral

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Sophie Moon

Estrategia & Operaciones

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Carlos Rojas

Arquitectura Sustentable

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Tony Lane

Estrategia & Cultu.Re Bio-Hacker

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Andreko Carvajal

Sistemas Regenerativos

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Juliana Pinto

Coordinadora de Proyectos

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Gilberto Matos

Artista Diseñador

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Natalia Leon

Administración Turística

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Daniel González

Marketing & Producción

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Camila Moya

Marketing de Experiencias

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Alex Gomez

Coaching Holistico Integral

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Lina Alejandra Echavarria


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Stephen Laurence Gomes, Ph.D.

Master Netweaver

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Zach Archer

Construction Management

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1. Global, National and/or BioRegional Hubs & Agencies;

Their Responsibilities and Activities

The Local Associations that are part of the DUS EcoHabitats Glocal Network may develop any lawful activity, national and international, commercial or civil. And in order to achieve their goals, they will have the following activities:

a) Plan, organize, direct, execute, execute, control and evaluate programs and projects aimed at achieving the vision, mission and purpose and facilitate obtaining funding.

b) To create and analyze and grant sponsorships and programs for projects and communities in the following areas in the areas of: education, health, environment, production, agribusiness, infrastructure, social housing, research, community development, technology, culture, community building, regenerative tourism, security, among other areas, for development and training, specifically any aspect for the development of human beings and the natural ecosystem in general.

c) Co-create, strengthen and expand the Global Community Network for all types of InterAction and Exchange, generating strategic alliances between entities and individuals to work in a non-profit associative network for the protection, regeneration and reactivation of the Territories, their People, their Memory and their Wisdom of the Eternal Present, maintaining fraternal relations with the entire community in general.

d) Sign cooperation agreements with organizations and institutions for the implementation of joint programs and projects aimed at achieving the vision, mission and objectives;

e) To achieve the active participation of the family, the community, guilds, associations, NGOs, among others in the execution of the programs and projects developed by the beneficiaries and the Association.

f) Promote Mutual Aid and support the holistic and integral development of the associates and the solution of the Association’s problems throughout the national territory.

g) To disseminate through publications and documents, whether digital, written, on or by other means, the disciplines that support the policies of promotion and social development, for the benefit of the less favored people.

h) To arbitrate the means within its reach to implement different operating systems and financing options for the execution of its objectives.

i) To promote research on social reality in order to undertake social, environmental, infrastructure and other programs, and to contribute to the solution of problems that tend to improve the standard of living of society as a whole.

2. Responsibilities of the global and/or local Agencies

1. Transform the vision and purpose into tangible work plans and roadmaps for the integration of the entire Global Community at the continental, bioregional and local levels.

2. Create conditions that maximize the viability, vitality, regenerative and resilient capacity of entities at all levels within the GLocal Ecosystem.

3. To create a space for collaboration, dialogue and constructive cooperation throughout the community, as well as for coordination, feedback and consolidation of what has been learned.

4. Generate strategic alliances with entities or individuals to work in a non-profit network for the protection, regeneration and reactivation of the Territories, their People, their Memory and the Wisdom of the Eternal Present.

6. Generate and strengthen various funds, to promote and maintain causes and projects of common welfare, in all areas necessary for the integral development in: Cultural, Social Environmental, Economic, and all specific issues that are within the categories of the Network, as well as the creation of a Pro-Land Fund, to obtain land for ReGenerative Conservation, Sustainable Production and Housing purposes, which are available to the Network of gLocal communities.

7. Create, Implement and Promote AlterNative, Fair and Sovereign Trade and Exchange Systems (such as Seed Coins and also in other Blockchains) that lead to conscious Socio-Economic relations and to the appropriate and sustainable use and production of resources for the benefit of the greater Common Good.

8. Creation of bioregional ecosystems: members, ambassadors, administrators, networks:

– Define growth and participation strategies for the broader space….
– Define and deploy communication strategies for this global ecosystem.
– Define the steps of the onboarding process for BioRegional and GLocal Communities.
– Enable and deploy onboarding processes to grow the GLocal ecosystem.
– SenseMaking Spaces in connection with the most diverse networks.
– Create templates, guidelines and frameworks for satellite, local, national, bioregional and continental economies to emerge worldwide.
– Enable aligned and mutually symbiotic activation of the broader network of bioregional and local communities using the power of holonic and DAO coordination tools such as Hypha, Nestr, Discord, LocalScale, etc.

9. Ecosystem deployment and activations: Continental, national, bioregional and community collaborative organizations:
– Executes the activation process for new Gaia Orgs emerging within the ecosystem through the “Gaia Orgs Creation Wizard”, enabled for each BioHub. competent collaborative (global, continental, national, bioregional or global).
– Ongoing services for Gaia Orgs, at the request of national and bioregional and/or local supporting BioHubs.
– Agreements for the creation of collaborative MOUs between Gaia Orgs.

10. Impact CoCreation and CoEvaluation: Collect, verify, measure:
– Make the connection between value addition and impact creation at community, bioregional, national continental and global levels…
– Partner with experts and technology partners (sensors, IoT, etc.) to measure impact, included in the activation framework…
– Publish Impact as input to the Governance and Economy Circles and communication tool of the attractiveness.
– Gaia (SEEDS) Tokens campaigns for distribution and programs catalyzing impact and helping the integral Regeneration of Ecological and Social Systems.

(Glocal BioRegional DHE)

The Objectives and Key Results

Objective 1: Identify, create and support a local core team.

Key Result 1.1:

Core team of >1 to 15 members, including > at least 5 members from diverse networks.

Key Result 1.2:

Sub-circles established and functioning autonomously and collaboratively. Sub-circle representatives are also part of the Agencies.

Key Result 2.2:

Consider the multiple Continental, National, BioRegional and/or Local DHOs, Communities, Organizations and Networks that might emerge at various types, levels, to understand the support resources and approaches that might need to be developed. → Support Action Plan: Approach 2 – Prepare Local support materials.

Objective 3: Consolidate work to date to develop Impact Assessment methodologies, protocols and approaches that support Local Economies and Ecosocial Impact and broader ecosystem stakeholders.

Key Result 3.1:

Understand, consolidate and document all work to date on impact assessment at the project, community, landscape or bioregional level.

Key Result 3.2:

Establish impact methodologies and approaches that support data collection across multiple domains (social, cultural, environmental, economic, holistic, etc.) and different operating environments (no connectivity, limited infrastructure, etc.). 


4. Roles; Functions, Seals and Badges of the Councils

Los roles relacionados con estos u otros futuros sub-círculos serán identificados por insignias (NFTs). Algunas de estas funciones requerirán la pertenencia a otros Circulos, Holones, o Sub-Holones, Consejos o Esferas del DHE de Gaia Commons. El Consejo espera definir Insignias que reconocen las capacidades , conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia de las personas, y Definición de funciones en las que se comprometen a invertir tiempo y energía.

La siguiente lista de posibles funciones del Consejo se ofrece inicialmente para su implementación.


En general, como diseñadores de sistemas vivos, proporcionan principios, procesos, prácticas y sistemas de diseño holístico para apoyar el “sistema completo” de elementos interconectados que participan, impactan e influyen en el ecosistema.

Estas funciones son responsables de tener un profundo conocimiento del contexto y claridad sobre los objetivos generales y específicos del Ecosistema. Su función principal es proporcionar orientación y liderazgo en la consecución de estos objetivos, garantizando que todos los miembros estén alineados y centren sus esfuerzos de forma eficaz. para hacer operativa la estrategia.

General Vision Guardians – ELDERS

These are responsible for guarding the original purpose and essence of Gaia’s Vision from a Holistic and Integral perspective. Their role is to ensure that actions and decisions are aligned with the established vision and mission, protecting the Principles and Values, as well as to evaluate and guide the direction and harmony of the overall ecosystem.

Guiding Guardians & General Managers – Focusers / Main Dynamizers – Youth & Adults

Members confirmed by the Vision Keepers will assume responsibility for co-governing, directing and managing the overall resources of the global organization’s programs and projects towards the long-term objectives established at the global or continental level.

They will also assume responsibility for managing and directing projects, programs and Strategic Alliances, towards the long term objectives established by the corresponding Sphere or Fractal, at the Continental, National, Regional or Local level, taking into account the principles, vision and mission of Gaia as reflected in the Constitution. providing information to the Circles or Local Councils on the status and progress of their geographic space / Bioregion, Sphere or Fractal BioHub.

Leaders/Co-managers Guardians or Holon Guides,
Spheres or Rectangles (Backgrounds):

Comprehensive guides and facilitators who provide an integration of knowledge from different scientific disciplines and talent and self-realization of human potential along with any other needs to support the participatory design of the Holon’s master plan. They are able to synthesize creative ideas with innovative practices to create new evolutionary approaches to create opportunities and solve challenges that support the Holon’s strategic development objectives. and ensure delivery according to the roadmap.

They are responsible for keeping all relevant information of their Circle or Holon up to date, as well as the necessary information of related Holons and Sub Holons. Their role is to guide and coordinate activities within their area of responsibility, ensuring smooth and efficient communication between the different organizational levels. 

Local Administrative Guardians
(Trustees & Guardians of the Treasury):

Those elected will assume responsibility for helping to arbitrate the processes and legally manage the resources of their Sphere or Fractal, approving, verifying and confirming that all decisions are aligned with the principles towards the long-term objectives established by the Councils of Guardians at their respective Continental, National, Regional and/or Local Community (Gaia BioHabitats) level.

Responsibilities include managing legal, contractual and regulatory risks if any, auditing internal processes and procedures, refereeing and advising on programs and projects in accordance with the overall objectives of the Gaia Commons Management, Development and Funding Master Plan.

EcoSocial Economist Guardians (Treasury Multipliers):

Experts who can manage, advise and propose on specific financial budget allocation. Their responsibilities include accounting, resource management, financial coordination with all the different aspects and needs of the entire Ecosystem or their Sphere, Program or Project, expense management (working within constraints) and helping them to organize, plan, assess risks, develop eco-social business strategies, strategically define and plan the scope of projects and communicate with stakeholders.

Guardians of Inclusion,
access to resources in general and Social Impact.

Members holding this badge focus on the evaluation of Inclusivity Policies, including economic and social equity and members’ easy access to tools and general ecosystem information.

Guardians of the Territory / Land Stewards:

They work with the geomancy of the land as well as the energies and Spirits of the land, attend to gardening, prepare the land to receive the community of beings, manage ecosystem restoration, help maintain facilities and attend to seasonal cleansing. They are committed to the ecological integrity of the land by adhering to holistic land management practices designed to support the conservation and regeneration of natural living systems.

Guardians of Space/Integral Holistic Container

Harmony Maintainers and Disharmony Detectors: Members holding this badge focus on assessing and improving the holistic health (Energetic, Spiritual & Emotional) of the Gaia ecosystem, here we also find the Holistic Healing Guardians & Conflict Solvers.

Guardians of Wisdom

Wise Pedagogue offering Integral Guidance to the General Gaia Community through holistic and transpersonal ancient wisdom. May be a rotating Council, as needed to invite inspired “Experts” & people with experience).