Economics, the social science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services, hence essentially what humanity does and gets to solve these meta-crisis, is largely still based on outdated assumptions and inadequate definition of value.
Disclaimer: This hybrid model pretends to be a grounded and realistic model of transition from the actual FIAT monetary system towards a fully regenerative new economic system, people can start using it gradually in small percentages of their total economic activities.
From household, to city, to nationstate, to the World
1. Intro
The Gaia Commons Framework is a visionary model inspired by holistic systems thinking, the common good and public goods, regenerative economics and governance as well as permaculture principles. Its fundamental purpose is to foster a sustainable and abundant world for all stakeholders – an economy oriented on the well being of the common. This model is enabled by newest and most ancient technologies including love, web3 and ai enabling us to broaden our perspective from the focus of economics to the nation state to the world as a whole. and facilitate direct interaction among multiple stakeholders.
At the root of this framework is the Gaia Commons, which acts as a living lab to support, incubate, and invest in regenerative projects. This response concisely captures the transformative goals of the Gaia Commons Hub Tokenomics Model, emphasizing a fundamental shift from existing economic paradigms to a more equitable and sustainable system. It effectively highlights the key changes sought:
The vision of the Gaia Commons Hub is grounded in principles drawn from ancestral wisdom, modern social and digital technologies and holistic thinking. Some of the general principles and values central to this vision are:
Regeneration: The model aims to regenerate ecosystems, communities, and economies, ensuring they thrive sustainably.
Equity: Equitable distribution of opportunities and access to resources, benefits, and decision-making power distributed among all stakeholders.
Radical Collaboration: Active coordination and engagement among stakeholders, promoting collective decision-making to avoid redundancies thereby ensuring efficient usage of planetary resources.
Resilience: Building resilient communities and ecosystems to adapt to changing environmental and social conditions
Planetary well-being: The earth is perceived as one planetary organism the model aims at maximising its wellbeing focusing on humans in harmony with the rest of nature.
Purpose & Objectives
From Debt-Based to Purpose-Based: This pivot focuses on aligning financial activities with meaningful, regenerative purposes rather than merely creating money through debt, which can lead to cyclical economic strain and does not inherently value environmental or social well-being.
From Inflationary to Asset-Backed Stability: By backing currency with tangible assets, the system aims to maintain stable value and avoid the pitfalls of inflation that erode purchasing power and disproportionately affect the less affluent.
Enhanced Access and Equity: The model strives to democratize access to capital, moving away from a system where only a select few have significant access, towards one that offers equal opportunities to all participants, fostering a more balanced economic development.
Transparent and Equitable Monetary Policy: The emphasis is on creating a monetary system that operates openly and fairly, countering the current system’s tendencies towards opaqueness and policies that often exacerbate inequality.
Efficient and Fair Resource Distribution: Leveraging advanced technologies like blockchain, the model promotes efficient, transparent, and fair exchange mechanisms that enhance connectivity and cooperation across the global network.
The overall goal you’ve outlined of creating an economic system that genuinely supports planetary health and prioritizes sustainability and regeneration over profit maximization is a visionary rethinking of how economies could function to support a thriving Earth. This comprehensive framing not only captures the functional changes but also clearly communicates the ethical and practical shifts necessary for a sustainable future.
This white paper seeks to explain the Gaia Hub Tokenomics framework or model. It’s a model inspired by regenerative economies and commons principles and net-positive Earth literature which are fundamentally meant to foster a sustainable and abundant development for all. It’s a model catalysed by web3 tools that enables the direct interaction of multiple stakeholders. This model is embedded within a layered system of the Gaia Commons Funds framework, which mainly includes, Gaia Philanthropic Fund, the GLocal
EcoHabitats Network Fund, The Gaia Invesments Fund, which altogether form the Gaia Commons Hub model. It is an integral and nature-inspired global ecosystem to support, incubate and invest in regenerative projects. The Gaia Commons Tokenomics Model is systematically based on the diagram contained in the following section and rooted in practice by regenerative development of place based projects and complemented with the general production of goods, services, information (knowledge) and technologies.
The creation of a MultiToken System for the interaction between different sectors, communities, initiatives and and all kind of capitals and people in general that are looking for a social, cultural, economic, environmental, scientific, agricultural, technological and holistic transformation towards a ReGenerative System, It is an innovative solution to address the current challenges of Economic equilibrium and Integration and distributions of power among the different sectors, institutions, countries, communities, networks and organisations in general.
The objective of these tokens is to allow suppliers and facilitators to offer their specific talents, skills, assets, products and services, and to find what they demand as well in the different sectors offered by other suppliers, while being funded through donations, loans or investments, through the liquidity pools or funds of these specific group of tokens that will be governed by the people that has the more expertise, integrity and efficiency for each of the 7 Funds (7 Branches of the 3 main Trunks in the Blue Chart on the last page) that they belong to.
As stated before, web3 ecosystems enable the direct interaction of multiple stakeholders. These interactions are bounded by a predefined action/mission space and propelled by economic and non-economic incentives. The design space for such interactions is huge, ranging from supply and demand side contributions to higher-level value adds (think curation, verification), to governance and decision making, to shared and distributed ownership.
To analyse and specify the value network and operations of the Gaia Hub Tokenomics Model we start with a canvas that embeds value flows and motivations as inputs for incentive mechanism design.
Thus, value flow visualisation and specification is made clear to all participants in the ecosystem. This value network description is depicted on what is called a stocks and flows diagram.
The following diagram exemplifies how regenerative investment is distributed and flows into the different layers of the framework. Gaia Hub sits at the centre of the diagram from which financial liquidity emerges and is reinvested in the form of tokenized capital. Ultimately the recipients of these regenerative investments are community projects which are in charge of direct action and impact at a local level.
AbunDance Value Flow
The creation of this multi-token system will allow the interconnection of people and projects that provide all kinds of goods and services with people or projects that are looking for them. In addition, some of these tokens will allow members to participate in the Gaia Governance, encouraging participation and engagement in our global community. Gaia Commons Hub is a Living Laboratory where diverse programs and projects are strengthen, incubated and funded, its operating framework is as follows:
How do they work?
This is a holonomically distributed governance system, which allows harnessing collective intelligence for decision making, fair allocation and efficient utilization of resources, capital and all kinds of values. (It can be equated to the activity carried out by the brain, mind and nervous system of the organism).
In order to maintain the liquidity of these funds and to be able to finance the various projects, liquidity funds will be created.The general public will be able to contribute capital to these funds and will receive AYNI Tokens as a reward for doing so. The total amount of philanthropic tokens will be proportional to the amount in dollars of all the donations made, and the same amount reflected in AYNI tokens.
The issuance of tokens will be carried out as the funds for each token receive injections of liquidity or, in some cases, other capitals. Each time a donation or investment is received to the fund, exactly the same amount in tokens or in NFTs will be issued. The amount of tokens issued can be defined based on the value of the purchase, investment or donation received. This will allow the tokens to have a controlled supply and their value is always backed by real goods and assets.
These cryptocurrencies have several governance protocols through which it will be possible to support specific programs and projects, of the benefactor interests or if they prefer, they can give this power to whomever they wish, including Gaia’s thematic funds stewards. Elected users and holons will be able to vote which projects or programs Gaia Commons should finance with fiat money and in some cases also through Gaia tokens. In this way, users are incentivized to actively participate and/or trust in the distributed governance of Gaia Commons.
Token purchase.
Tokens will be available on all our platforms and also through some allies platforms. To purchase tokens, users must use a wallet compatible with our cryptocurrencies (Mainly TELOS & ERC20). The purchase will be made through a smart contract that guarantees the transparency and security of the transaction.
3. Explanation of stocks and flows of Tokens and Funds.
Gaia Hub is a living lab where several regenerative projects are connected, supported, incubated and/or funded and its framework operates as follows:
1. Contributors, donors or investors provide the capital, to be tokenized by the Gaia Commons Bank, to strengthen any or all of Gaia’s major ReFi Funds.
2. Gaia Commons Fund is the Group (Holón) through which all capital is tokenized.
3. The Gaia Commons (Fractal/Domestic) Banks serve as the onboarding point through which real estate serves as a “monetary guarantee” guaranteeing that specific projects which want to catalyse this regenerative investment can do so through holding titles of ownership of lands as legal entities (Foundations or FBOs or LandTrusts). In Parallel to the “Sovereign” Titles in NFTs (Smart Contracts).
4. The regenerative investment into these specific projects are categorised into 4 different ReFi pooled funds for funds distribution:
Commons Pool A: Land/Infrastructure – TERRA & GAIA Tokens and Sovereign NFTs
Commons Pool B: Production of Products and Services – KAKAO, SPIRALS & GLOCAL Tokens
Commons Pool C Based-Time Operations – OURS, KHRONOS, HSOCIAL, REGEN.
Commons Pool D: Thematic Impact Philanthropic Funds – REGEN, SOCIAL, EDU, INDIGEN, VITAL, ARTS, RAINBOW, etc
5. The individual Collaborators (ReGenerators) investing time or any other capital acting as catalyzers of all the Commons Capitals, Generating real Wealth they are also the beneficiaries and some of them act as trustees. All the stakeholders and participants benefit from the yields of each ReFi fund as fruits/results are harvested.
6. As a general rule, 1-10% of all surpluses from the Gaia Investment Fund will be distributed to “Beneficiary Seed” members that havent received yet, as a form of UBI (Universal/Unconditional Basic Income). All remaining surpluses will be re-invested in the Recycling Pools at the local, regional, national, continental and global levels.
7. As regenerators and collaborators participate in the Gaia Commons Tokenomics Model, they gain reputation and voting power within the funds, circles or holons of the projects or places (spheres or fractals) where they are contributing time/chronos.
8. For every USD that enters the EcoSystem either in the form of fixed, movable or liquid assets, a COMMONS token is minted, like this we can keep an overall accounting of how much abundance has entered in fiat equivalent, and donors can also be recognized with AYNI Tokens, without earning any specific powers or benefits, except transparent accounting and recognition.
The value of the work and products can be calculated as this fair equation:
1 “Seed” has a value equivalent to 1 USD, but is NOT subject to the usd market.
100 ZenTaoS is equivalent to 1 USD cent (i.e. they have 2 decimal places).
4. Types of funds and tokens / ReFi Pools
TERRA Tokens & GAIA Tokens
backed on Land and Infrastructure
The purpose of this fund is to invest in and back the land/real estate titles of the projects that are part of the Gaia Hub model. These titles or real estate assets serve as “monetary collateral” or collateral that is the backbone of the model and also guarantee products and services.
This fund operates through TERRA tokens (Sovereign Seed) & Sovereign NFTs. The TERRA token is backed by land earmarked for the construction of sustainable habitats and the production of products, services, and experiences. Individuals holding these tokens for more than 1 year will only pay for lands at the original cost. GAIA Conservation token is backed by land for land conservation and restoration.
– Accept fiat in exchange for TERRA tokens (limited maximum investor token holding)
– Donate land in exchange for TERRA tokens not associated with specific property (yet)
Can exchange TERRA tokens for NFTs which give access and rights to specific lands. E.g
- 10 hectares property owned by a national foundation or FBO, costs 10 million USD
- Decision making by Local Project Organization or at the biohabitat or bioregional level.
- distinct from the national foundation, (many Projects and/or organizartions per foundation) The projects can mint NFTs representing usage rights (usufruct) over specific plots of land (normally perpetual ownership for residence). Also possible to rent land (not in use by community) to an individual for TERRA.
- 3ha conservation
- 2ha cropland
- 2ha hectare for biohotel
- 2ha private residence holdings
- 1ha for community spaces
Some percentage of the production is held for community members’ needs (e.g. food production), and surplus sold to non-members and income held in the community. In case of large surplus (e.g. high level tourism activities income), expect the community to share with global commons for redistribution.
Currencies backed on
Products & Services
The purpose of this pool is to invest in products and services delivered in the Online and OnLand markets. This fund manages mainly KAKAO, SPIRALS & GLOCAL tokens. They are both used for the purchase of goods and services such as food, clothing, education,and health services, accommodation in different places and many other amazing products. They can be used anywhere in the world, both to sell and to buy. These tokens have to be “vested or differed” one year for real assured usability, or in some cases much less.
These tokens are minted when any quantity of fiat money or specific products and services enters this (sub)pool and is invested in a productive system, With these tokens you can buy products or services from Gaia with 10% discount or more depending on the Gaia Commons Membership benefits. The advantage of holding it as Gaia Tokens is that it will always be backed by real products and services.
- Production Backed – backed by global Gaia Commons projects and members.
- e.g. KAKAO fungible token for production of products and services.
- Currency is backed by goods & services
- Minting of currency occurs when someone donates or buys tokens and they are based on costs.
- Minted currency is sold for fiat which by policy is used to invest in production capacity and each recipient of fiat commits to accept KAKAO in exchange for actual goods/services
- Q1: how do we ensure people honor the commitment? Incentivization?
A1: Legal contract,
A2: Transparency and reputation,
A3: Certificates/Badges for reputation,
A4: Won’t get future capitalization - Q2: What about crop failure?
A1: No punishment for inability to perform, intent is that surplus production is available within the network. (e.g. reuse of existing educational products)
A2: There’s 3 different things that keeps backing any KAKAO tokens minted..1. the FIAT money received by the sales (for Gaia and/or the Producers)
2. other products and services from other Gaia Members Projects or anyone receiving KAKAO Tokens as part of the payment.
3. and in the worst case the possibility that Gaia Bank burns certain amount of tokens if needed… - Q3: Can commitment be for partial acceptance of KAKAO (e.g. 50%)?
Yes, on a per-contract basis
Also producers working on GAIA Commons owned property/means-of-production; GAIA Commons producers are committed to accept KAKAO - Q4: What about time delay between issuance and availability of backing?
A1: Purchased tokens may not be released until 1 year deferral period, or until network economic condition supports.
A2: Initial contributions (philanthropic) may enable the network to redeem KAKAO from community resources
This is the main Stable Token & Currency of the Gaia Commons Hub. -These tokens are minted when someone buys it. (Gaia Commons could also be a buyer) you buy this Token and Gaia will invest the fiat money through the Gaia Investment fund… you will received an extra 10% of profit per year of vesting.
SPIRALS token is linked to fiat in ways that the other tokens are not. SPIRALS can be purchased for fiat and can be transformed into Fiat money or any other Gaia Token after 1yr vesting period, which can be redeemed by Gaia bank or some similar institution after a second vesting period. (alternatively) Depending on liquidity status, vesting time or conditions may be adjusted for both SPIRALL NFT and SPIRALS tokens. SPIRALS once liquid, can serve as local currency for goods/services purchases.
The advantage of holding it as Gaia Tokens is that it will always be backed by real assets, plus you will receive at least a 20% discount on everything you purchase or a better discount depending on your Gaia Commons membership. * If you want to convert this money into fiat, you might have to pay some fees.
When a person contributes fiat money to a certain project, a particular Smart Contract (NFT) is created containing the information in which it is stated how the profits among all investors are going to be divided proportionally to their contribution towards each project.
A gLocal mutual credit currency. When someone subscribes to the Gaia Commons network, he/she/it receives 33 GLOCAL tokens. These tokens are backed by mutual trust and through what each person is willing to contribute in return to their community.
This token value is equivalent to 1 kilogram of eggs depending on where it is being used. For example in Spain the value of this token would be approx 3 euros and in Colombia would be $10.000 COP. but when someone travels from one country to another they have the same power of acquisition with the same token (GLOCAL)
- Value is established on a per-country basis pegged to market value of 1kg of regular (middle sized, ordinary) eggs, which is pretty stable
- Same digital token is used globally
- Anyone can fill out a form to propose themselves to participate and receive this token
- Applicant is verified by (a) local and/or (b) global community members
- A positive balance is issued approx 33 Glocal Tokens to new members
- These tokens can be used in peer-to-peer purchases of goods and services within each country and across country boundaries with approximately equal purchasing power.
- Ordinary currency behavior: no negative (credit) balance.
- Currency could aso be issued by Gaia Commons to a verified Local Community or Project treasury as a loan or donation so they can then be used by the project organization for salary and other expenses. If its a loan, it means the products and services financed by this loan should be possible to paid in a proportional percentage of the percentage that it supported in their production.
Currencies Based on Time
The objective of this fund is to function as a time bank for ecological and social activities, it works through CHRONOS, OUR, REGEN & HSOCIAL tokens, which are based on equitable hours managed by Gaia’s bank. They Respond to Equity requirement (“birthright”). Intent for imminent understanding that every individual’s hour is of equal value. Move away from existing model of “payback” for expensive training by high wages. Focus on individuality of production decisions.
The main idea of time banking is that hours have an equitable value. 1 KHRONOS is equal to 1 OUR, or 1 REGEN and is equal to 1 HSOCIAL and these tokens are equal to 1 GLOCAL Token (which is equivalent to 1kg of Egg). They can be granted to any person by any Local Community Hub.
(OURS) Hours-based mutual credit token “OURS”, specifics of mutual credit. Reputation system relating to failure to deliver. Basic commitment (e.g. “I will accept OURS for payment” using the same rate).
(KHRONOS) The purpose of this fund is to function as a time bank that functions through the KHRONOS tokens (one of two GAIA time based tokens) which are based on equitable (every individual’s time is equal) hours and (possibly) FIAT money reserve, administered by the Gaia Commons Bank. The main idea of time banks is that hours have an equal or at least similar value. In this case 1 KHRONOS Token (equivalent 1 hour) is equivalent to (for example) approx 1 to 10 GLocal Tokens and they are intended to be interchangeable between Gaia tokenholders among any other Gaia Token at the “official” rate. Individuals are incentivized to make these exchanges at the established equivalency rates. Ideally, individuals will also able to access the fiat money reserve (in Gaia Commons Bank treasury) at the “official” established rate, but the KHRONOS Treasury Stewardship Council manages redemption policy and and will ensure the stability of the system; this may involve redemption at a lower than official rate. For example: 1 Khronos hour is worth 1 Glocal tokens. There is a governance decision that hours are worth x Glocal tokens.
– i.e: This money is allocated for the Collaborators of an organization (e.g. HYPHA) that have been approved by them to receive these KHRONOS tokens, then they can decide whether to exchange them between stakeholders or to wait for a possible EcoSystem Compensation. What is Ecosystem Compensation? We are creating a compensation system for the regenerative system.
Felipe Example 1: There are 5 people and they each work 100 hours. Each of them receive 100 KHRONOS tokens. We have already said that this would cover all kinds of different work.
1 KHRONOS would be equal to 3 GLOCAL as a “minimum wage” and equal to 3 KG of Eggs
Colombia Egg Price is 2 USD per kilogram equals $8,000 COL Peso
US Egg Price is 5 USD per kilogram
GAIA USA Salary Bands
GAIA USA Salary Band# 1 which is 15USD (equivalent to 3 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
GAIA USA Salary Band # 2 which is 30USD (equivalent to 6 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
GAIA USA Salary Band # 3 which is 45 USD (equivalent to 9 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
GAIA USA Salary Band # 4 which is 60USD (equivalent to 12 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
GAIA COL Salary Band # 1 which is 2 USD (equivalent to 1 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
GAIA COL Salary Band # 2 which is 4 USD (equivalent to 2 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
GAIA COL Salary Band # 3 which is 8 USD (equivalent to 4 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
GAIA COL Salary Band # 4 which is 16 USD (equivalent to 4 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
GAIAs Colombian Salary Bands in Colombian Pesos (COP)
GAIA Colombia Salary Band # 1 which is $8,000 COL Pesos (fiat currency)
+ 1 GLOCAL or the equivalent to $8,000 COL Pesos in any other Gaia Token, per 1 KHRONOS.
(Total value of fiat + Gaia Tokens is equivalent to $16,000 COL Pesos)
GAIA Colombia Salary Band # 2 which is $16,000 COL Pesos (fiat currency)
+ 2 GLOCALs or the equivalent to $16,000 COL Pesos in any other Gaia Token, per 1 KHRONOS
(Total value of fiat + Gaia Tokens is equivalent to $32,000 COL Pesos)
GAIA Colombia Salary Band # 3 which is $32,000 COL Pesos (fiat currency)
+ 4 GLOCALs or the equivalent to $32,000 COL Pesos in any other Gaia Token, per 1 KHRONOS
(Total value of fiat + Gaia Tokens is equivalent to $64,000 COL Pesos)
GAIA Colombia Salary Band # 4 which is $64,000 COL Pesos (fiat currency)
+ 8 GLOCALs or the equivalent to $64,000 COL Pesos in any other Gaia Token, per 1 KHRONOS
(Total value of fiat + Gaia Tokens is equivalent to $128,000 COL Pesos)
Hypha Salary Bands (USA and INTERNATIONALLY)
Hypha Salary Band # 1 which is 15USD (equivalent to 3 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
Hypha Salary Band # 2 which is 30USD (equivalent to 6 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
Hypha Salary Band # 3 which is 45 USD (equivalent to 9 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
Hypha Salary Band # 4 which is 60USD (equivalent to 12 GLOCALS in the US) per 1 KHRONOS
For salary band #1 in Hypha (USA) – 1 month of work (around 150 hours of work, would be equal to 150 KHRONOS) should be at least equivalent to 2.250usd, And approximately equivalent to 750 GLOCALs.
For salary band #2 in Hypha (USA) – 1 month of work (around 150 hours of work, would be equal to 150 KHRONOS) should be at least equivalent to 4.500usd, And approximately equivalent to 1500 GLOCALs.
For salary band #3 in Hypha (USA) – 1 month of work (around 150 hours of work, would be equal to 150 KHRONOS) should be at least equivalent to 4.500usd, And approximately equivalent to 3000 GLOCALs.
For salary band #4 in Hypha (USA) – 1 month of work (around 150 hours of work, would be equal to 150 KHRONOS) should be at least equivalent to 4.500usd, And approximately equivalent to 6000 GLOCALs
– i.e: This money is allocated for the Collaborators of an organization (e.g. Hypha) that have been approved by them to receive these KHRONOS tokens, then they can decide whether to exchange them between stakeholders or to wait for a possible EcoSystem Compensation.
Step 0. GAIA creates alliances with organizations. An alliance organization is trusted to define an annual budget for KHRONOS needs. There is a contract (MOU) defining how the budget etc are established and how KHRONOS funds will be used.
Step 1. According to the agreement GAIA mints and delivers KHRONOS to the affiliate’s account.
Step 2. Affiliate (e.g. Hypha) decides to pay an individual for a time contribution (either past or current) with KHRONOS, and delivers tokens for the affiliate’s account to the individual.This process generates a record of who, what, and value of the contribution being recognized.
Achieved Key Result: here we already achieve an InterNetworks Contribution Accounting System.
Step 2.5 GAIA achieves a philanthropic funding program for Gaia Commons Bank placing fiat or stablecoin (fiat-backed) reserves in Gaia Commons Accounts. This fiat reserve enables the Gaia Commons Bank to pay people who choose, need or prefer fiat. Gaia Commons Bank may also establish a reserve fund for KHRONOS backing containing non-fiat-backed tokens.
Step 3. That individual wishes to convert some of the KHRONOS into fiat (or any other token) which he can use outside the ecosystem. This may or may not be possible at this time (no guarantee). The individual may also be interested in receiving other (non-fiat-backed) tokens which can be used within the ecosystem.
Step 4: There are at least three options
Option 1: KHRONOS Treasury Stewardship Council will decide how much from the FIAT reserve to invest on the production of products and services so that the KHRONOS tokenholders can acquire them with their KHRONOS tokens. (For example, invest in a hospitality project – hotel, etc – which accepts payment in KHRONOS.)
Option 2: KHRONOS Treasury Stewardship Council will allocate specific amounts of FIAT reserves and/or some of the EcoSystem (non-fiat-backed) Tokens to each organization/project. Each organization decides how to distribute the fiat to holders of KHRONOS within its community.
Option 3: KHRONOS Treasury Stewardship Council will adopt a redemption policy to be followed by Gaia Commons on a yearly basis. The policy is that KHRONOS tokens will be redeemed at a rate (USD per token) equal to <total reserve fiat held in this account>/<total number of outstanding KHRONOS tokens>. And it might complement the total value of KHRONOS with other Ecosystem (non-fiat-backed) Tokens
Case Example #1
P1: Stephen works as Hypha Collaboratory DAO facilitator
Hypha Salary Band # 2 which is 30USD equivalent to 10 GLOCALS in the US
He’s receiving 100 KHRONOS monthly that in salary band #2 would be equivalent to 3000 USD
P2: Chuck develop token swap contract software for Hypha and the Regenerative movement
Hypha Salary Band # 4 which is 60USD equivalent to 20 GLOCALS in the US
He’s receiving 100 KHRONOS monthly that in salary band #2 would be equivalent to 6000 USD
P3: Felipe is creating a framework for compensating the Regenerative Movement
If Felipe works 100 hours for Hypha Salary Band would be #3
He’s receiving 100 KHRONOS monthly that in Hypha salary band #3 would be equivalent to 4500 USD
* Remember Colombia Egg Price is 2.0 USD per kilogram equals to $8,000 Colombian Pesos
* Remember Hypha salary band #3 is $45/hr and 9 GLOCAL in US
- Paid by Hypha DAO If Hypha payments were only in GLOCALS,
In band #3 would be 9 GLOCALs per hour, equivalent to $45 in US, (In COL would be $18usd)
In salary band #3 – 100 hrs = 900 GLOCALs regardless of region or country (payment normalized to cost of living)
- Paid by Hypha DAO payments with GLOCAL Tokens within Colombian Economic Context
In Hypha salary band #3 (applied to Colombian context) Would be 22.5 GLOCALs per hour equivalent to $45USD in COL and equal to $180,000 COL Pesos
100 hrs = $18,000,000 regardless of region (payment normalized to domicile of organization) but in this case its just an equivalent… not really convertible to FIAT money through Gaia K Bank.
- Paid by GAIA If Felipe works 100 hours for GAIA Colombia Salary Band would be #4 would be $6,400,000 COL Peso + 800 GLOCAL
100hrs = + (is there is FIAT money available) another $6,400,00 COL Pesos in FIAT
P4: Andrea is only attending Hypha DAO meetings to listen Hypha Salary Band # 1 which is 15USD
He’s receiving 100 KHRONOS monthly that in salary band #1 would be equivalent to 1500 USD
P5: Silvana is Raising Funds for the whole Gaia Commons Members (which includes Hypha DAO)
She’s receiving 100 KHRONOS monthly that in GAIA salary band #4 would be equivalent to 10,000 USD
(Social Hour):
Based on the solidarity agreements of social recognition for jobs that are not usually remunerated in the market (for example special care for children or the elderly). But only granted in cases of real need for support, Holders might be able to exchange it for some other Tokens or use it directly to pay for productos and services on the Gaia gLocal Communities.
- Currency would be issued by Gaia Commons to a verified Local Community or Project treasury as a donation so they can then be used by the organization for be paid as salary or as “sub-donation”.
is based on ecological labor hours (restoration regeneration etc) and can be used as a form of reputation or to purchase products and services or exchange it for othe Gaia Tokens.
It works in complement with Gaia Points (GAIAPTS): As a means of compensation for ecological actions such as recycling. The main idea of these points is to generate a good reputation within the Network and/or to acquire rewards in the framework of specific programs that any Network, Organization within the Network can offer. At the end of each year, the amount in the global fund of Gaia Recycled Tokens will be distributed proportionally. In some cases 1 GAIAPTS would be equal to 1GaiaToken.
are no longer two contradictory ideas
5. Gaia Hub outcomes (inputs-outputs)
Gaia Hub Tokenomics Model is expected to hold regenerative and positive impact projects that can use this model to channel and articulate regenerative investments. It is expected to be a framework that can provide resources to all stakeholders participating in the projects. A further qualitative modelling, quantifying inputs and outputs in the stocks and flows diagram, would be desirable to do a proof-risk analysis and ascertain the sustainability and regenerative qualities of the proposed model especially in terms of the FIAT investments themselves.
Moreover, there is a component of trade and commerce in this diagram and in the wider Gaia commons ecosystem that would potentially need the existence of a credit clearing system. This credit clearing system would provide projects with a permanent working capital facility to address temporary liquidity shortages. Through the Bank of Gaia, people can access a system for clearing trade credits in FIAT money and/or complementary currencies / Gaia Tokens.
What are we building?
The Gaian system is a complete alternative life choice from the current political/social/economic system. It knits together all the efforts of pioneers in regenerative living – alternative economies, holistic schools, organic agriculture and integral health. The idea is that we are building the seed of what will become the normal governance and finance system between 2026 and 2056. We build it with the system goal of eco-social integral and holistic health at the center and thriving. We create our systems to motivate individual behavior that tends to create those outcomes. We practice conscious governance and economies, contributing, compensating and rewarding people for fulfilling the different roles, tasks and missions in FIAT & alterNative currencies/seeds.
When the CurrenSeeds System is fully functioning, it would look like this.
Mohamed is 26 years old and lives in California with his wife Mandi. He commits to 3 years of part time coding and receives 33,000 SeedS (Ss) in his GAIA Seeds account and 33,000 USD. The SeedS are issued by the governing economic circle/holon, to do the work of governing the system and creating core infrastructure. Mohamed coded part of the learning and earning platform called HoloGaia. This platform has a job board where you can apply for tasks and roles that the system needs and you can sign up to learn the skills needed to perform those jobs. When you demonstrate you possess a certain skill it is added to your skills profile which makes you eligible for more jobs and you can even get Certification Badges by different formal (AlterNative) Institutions that are fully trusted and respected by the Glocal Community. People can also trade the skills and resources they have in the LocalScale Marketplace. Annie offers to teach Reiki to Mohamed and he pays her 333 SeedS and 333 dollars. A portion of each financial exchange could go to the core Gaian System to fund salaries and infrastructure if members agree. But mainly we will propose a membership fee.
Mohamed wants to buy a house so he chooses the Gaian (Mortgage) Mutual Social Aid Coop and gets an apartment in the Gaian Condo in his city of choice. He can pay a % of his mortgage payments in SeedS. He has a low downpayment and an affordable monthly mortgage rate. His wife Mandi works as a teacher in the public school system and her salary can cover the money part of the mortgage and car loan and telecommunications. His SeedS buy them holistic education for their kids, an organic food box from the Ecovillage just outside of the city, and interesting community activities and upcycled clothes available in his neighborhood. They feel good that their monthly mortgage payments earn their home ownership and the profits go to making more sustainable housing around the world. Over his life, Mohamed saves up 300,000 SeedS which is enough to pay for his spot in the Gaian Retirement Care program. So he has spent his life contributing to a brighter future and earned a good living and retirement in the process. His wife’s teachers’ pension pays for her spot in regular money.
6. Credit Clearing System for Local Businesses
The Gaia Commons BioHub Framework acknowledges the importance of a credit clearing system for local businesses. Through the Bank of Gaia, a credit clearing system is established to provide local businesses with a permanent working capital facility. This system addresses temporary liquidity shortages and facilitates trade and commerce within the Gaia Commons ecosystem. Some of these pilot projects credits/funding allocations can be found in the next page
AbunDance Flow
The Gaia Commons BioHub Framework acknowledges the importance of a credit clearing system for local businesses. Through the Bank of Gaia, a credit clearing system is established to provide local businesses with a permanent working capital facility. This system addresses temporary liquidity shortages and facilitates trade and commerce within the Gaia Commons ecosystem.
Funding Allocations